July 9th, 2023
Reflecting the Son in the Valley John Guillott, Pastor John Prim, Music Director/Associate Pastor David Pack, Associate Pastor
Order of Service

10:30 a.m.

Welcome & Announcements


Russ Boulay

Doyle Driskill

Jim Geier

Hymns of Praise No. 541

The Joy of the Lord

Hymn No. 542

My Life is in You, Lord

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn No. 536

Have Faith in God

Hymn No. 540

My Hope Is in the Lord

Missionary Moments

Offertory - Bob Smith

Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum


Pastor John Guillott


1 Thessalonians 2:13-20

Invitation Hymn No. 545

Moment by Moment

Benediction - Bob Smith


Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to our service today. Finding the right place to worship God each week can be overwhelming. We’re a group of imperfect, Jesus- loving followers from all sorts of backgrounds and past experiences. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome no matter where you are in your life. May your time today result in a spiritual renewal and a better understanding of how much God loves you!


Upcoming Events

Sunday, July 16 - Life Group resumes on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm in the Church office.

Tuesday, July 18 - Saints Alive concert! Dave Alhart, Bob Smith,

and Jon Wallace will be performing. Pizza afterwards!

Saturday, July 22 - Sahuarita High School will be here at the

church with a fund-raising car wash. Come get your car washed!


Vicki Stone 7/10

RoxeAnn Teiper 7/10

Diane Trotter 7/10

Carol Cohu 7/13

Ron Trotter 7/13

Dave Alhart 7/15

Deacon of the Week: Bob Smith

Alternate Deacon: Rick Woodard

The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.

This Week at GVBC

Sunday July 9 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 17-18)

9:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor John Guillott

Monday, July 10 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 19-20)

Tuesday, July 11 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 21-22)

10:15 am Saints Alive- Cracker Barrel

Wednesday, July 12 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 23-24)

10:00 am Finance Committee Meeting

4:30 pm Trustee’s Meeting

6:00 pm Prayer Meeting

Thursday, July 13 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 25-26)

10:00 am Ladies Bible Study

6:00 pm Facebook Devotional with Charles Logan

Friday, July 14 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 27-28)

Saturday, July 15 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 29-30)

9:00 am Church Council Meeting