Welcome & Announcements
Memory Verse
Hymns of Praise No. 660
I Will Serve Thee
Serve the Lord with Gladness
Pastoral Prayer
Introduction of Deacon Candidates
Testimonies of Deacons Being Ordained
- Scott Whiteside
- Brett Baker
- Rick Morse
Hymn No. 520
The Longer I Serve Him
Missionary Moment
Offertory Prayer - Bob Smith
Offertory Music - Linda Clifton
Pastor John Guillott
Acts 6:1-7
Laying on of Hands
Ordination Prayer
Presentation of New Deacons
Choral Benediction No. 598
Wherever He Leads, I'll Go
Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to our service today. Finding the right place to worship God each week can be overwhelming. We’re a group of imperfect, Jesus- loving followers from all sorts of backgrounds and past experiences. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome no matter where you are in your life. May your time today result in a spiritual renewal and a better understanding of how much God loves you!
Veterans Day Luncheon: On Saturday, Nov 11th , GVBC will host an Annual Community-Wide Veterans Day Luncheon to honor those who served in our Armed Forces. Doors open at 11:30. Please RSVP to 520-625-3600.
Name Badges: If you need a name badge, please put your name on the sheet in the foyer. This is the last order before the New Year. Thank you.
All Christmas Child Shoeboxes are due! Thank you GVBC!
Phil Clifton 11/6
Stuart Austin 11/7
Jewell Woodard 11/7
Leigh Prim 11/7
Joyce Van Dyk 11/8
Deacon of the Week: Bob Smith
Alternate Deacon: Don Gilbertsen
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Deacon Ordination
Acts 6:1-7
- Men who have been born again
- Men who worked well with others
- Men with a good reputation
- Men filled with the Spirit and the wisdom of God
- Men who understand this ministry is about work to be done and not a title to hold.
- Faithful with God’s ministry
Sunday Nov 5 - (Bible Reading – Esther 1-2)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor John Guillott
Deacon Ordination
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, Nov 6 - (Bible Reading – Esther 3-4)
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm Deacon’s Mtg & Auxiliary Mtg
6:00 pm Baptist Women’s World – Day of Prayer
Tucson Mountain Baptist Church
Tuesday, Nov 7 - (Bible Reading – Esther 5-6)
10:00 am Sharing Grief
11:30 am Saints Alive – Game Day
Wednesday, Nov 8 - (Bible Reading – Esther 7-8)
10:00 am Finance Committee Mtg
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, Nov 9 - (Bible Reading – Esther 9-10)
8:30 am Men’s breakfast and Bible Study
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study
6:00 pm Facebook Devotional with Charles Logan
Friday, Nov 10 - (Bible Reading – Job 1-2)
Saturday, Nov 11- (Bible Reading – Job 3-4)
11:30 am Veterans Day Luncheon
Please RSVP to the church office