December 24th, 2023
Reflecting the Son in the Valley John Guillott, Pastor John Prim, Music Director/Associate Pastor David Pack, Associate Pastor
Order of Service

Welcome & Announcements

Memory Verse

Hymns of Praise No. 270

Joy to the World!

Lighting of the Advent Candle - Love

Hymn No. 271

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You

Pastoral Prayer

Hymn No. 265

The First Noel

Hymn No. 281

What Child Is This?

Special Music - Choir & Cindy Clark, solo

Joy Unto the World

Missionary Moment

Offertory Prayer - Charlie Logan

Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum

Message - Pastor John Guillott


Matthew 1:18-21

Invitation Hymn No. 319

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Choral Benediction No. 281

What Child Is This?


Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to

our service today. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome

here, no matter where you are in your life. If you are a visitor,

please fill out a connection card and hand it to a greeter next to

one of the exit doors and receive a gift bag.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: tonight at 6pm.

We will have a Christmas Luncheon tomorrow at 12:00 pm.

Lottie Moon: We have received $6,083.78 towards our $10,000 goal.

The Staff at GVBC would like to thank everyone for your generous staff offering/gift. It is a huge blessing to each one of us. We are very thankful!

*Due to the Holidays, our church schedule may be different. Please refer to the church calendar on our website for more information on any events, studies, or meetings.


Susan Robinson 12/24

Randy Wheeler 12/26

Rita Morse 12/27

Kashlyn Thompson 12/29

Deacon of the Week: Charlie Logan

Alternate Deacon: Don Gilbertsen

The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.

December Memory Verse

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the

government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be

called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,

Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 NKJV

Sermon Outline


Matthew 1:18-21

The Christmas story is all about love - this morning we are going to look at four aspects of love at Christmas.

Joseph’s love for Mary

Mary’s love for Jesus

God’s love for sinners

Our Love for One Another

This Week at GVBC

Sunday, Dec 24 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 51-52)

9:00 am Sunday School

10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor John Guillott

6:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Monday, Dec 25 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 53-54)

12:00 pm Christmas Luncheon- Merry Christmas!

Office Closed

Tuesday, Dec 26 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 55-56)

Office Closed

Wednesday, Dec 27 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 57-58)

6:00 pm No Prayer Mtg tonight

Prayer points will be emailed as usual.

Thursday, Dec 28 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 59-60)

6:00 pm Facebook Devotional

Friday, Dec 29 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 61-62)

Saturday, Dec 30 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 63-64)