Welcome & Announcements
Memory Verse
Hymns of Praise No. 419
The Family of God
Hymn No. 56
To God Be the Glory
Pastoral Prayer
Hymn No. 619
Hiding in Thee
Hymn No. 611
He Hideth My Soul
Missionary Moment
Offertory Prayer - Don Gilbertsen
Offertory Music - Linda Clifton
Message - Pastor John Guillott
Philippians 1:3-11
Invitation Hymn No. 581
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Choral Benediction No. 581
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to
our service today. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome
here, no matter where you are in your life. If you are a visitor,
please fill out a connection card and hand it to a greeter next to
one of the exit doors and receive a gift bag.
Upcoming Mission trip to Ethnos360: Please see insert.
Nativity Drive-Thru Takedown: Please join us in helping with the Nativity take down scheduled for Saturday, Jan 6 at 8:30. There is a signup sheet in the foyer and lunch will be provided.
Bible Studies and groups resume: Men’s and Ladies Bible Study resumes on Thursday, Jan 4. Vicki Spies will be starting a new Bible Study on Monday, Jan 8 at 9:30 – The Book of James. Please refer to the church calendar on website if needed.
Paige Wells 1/4
Joan Hinrichs 1/6
Jan Weber 1/6
Deacon of the Week: Don Gilbertsen
Alternate Deacon: Brett Baker
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
December Memory Verse
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the
government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be
called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 NKJV
Tuesday, January 23 8:00 AM
Have you ever wondered how missionaries of today are able to reach the most remote people groups in the world? Join our GVBC folks for a one-day trip to McNeal, AZ for a tour of Ethnos360 Aviation. The purpose of Ethnos360 Aviation is to assist church planting ministries of both Ethnos360 and likeminded ministries achieve the goal of a thriving church for every people.
McNeal is the Aviation headquarters for Ethnos360. See and learn firsthand how this Missions organization provides both the pilots and the helicopters to fly into the remotest regions of Brazil, Asia Pacific, New Guinea, and the Philippines.
Our church bus will leave GVBC at 8:00am on January 23rd and return at approximately 4:00pm. With limited space on our bus, it
will have to be first come first served. A signup sheet will be posted on the church bulletin board January 7. Please see Don Gilbertsen or Ken Peters for any additional details.
Philippians 1:3-11
This New Year, I am optimistic about the future of the church of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we are going to look through the optimistic lens of the Bible and discover a divine description of an optimistic Christian and an optimistic church.
1. Honor the Past (vv. 3-5)
2. Build for the Future (v. 6)
3. Glory in Grace (v.7)
4. Abound in Love and Knowledge of Jesus (vv. 8-9)
5. Keep Your Eyes on the Eternal (v. 10)
6. Practice His Praise (v. 11)
1. The pain of our past is being transformed into the power of our ministry.
2. The predicament of our present gives opportunity to share our testimony.
We must not be just optimistic – but we must be followers of the
One who has greater plans for us than we have for ourselves.
Sunday, Dec 31 - (Bible Reading – Isaiah 65-66)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor John Guillott
Monday, Jan 1 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 1)
Happy New Year!
Office Closed
Tuesday, Jan 2 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 2)
Office Closed
Wednesday, Jan 3 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 3)
6:00 pm Prayer Mtg
Thursday, Jan 4 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 4)
8:30 am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study-resumes
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study-resumes
6:00 pm Facebook Devotional
Friday, Jan 5 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 5)
Saturday, Jan 6 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 6)
8:30 am Nativity Takedown
9:00 am Church Council Meeting