Welcome & Announcements
Hymns of Praise!
Hymn No. 370
Rejoice, the Lord Is King
Hymn No. 572
Blessed Assurance
Pastoral Prayer
Hymn No. 526
The Solid Rock
Hymn No. 563
Open My Eyes That I May See
Missionary Moments
Offertory Prayer - Bob Smith
Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum
Special Music
It Could Happen in a Moment
Dave Alhart, Dan DeLong, Sherma Kutz, Marilyn Schum
Message - Dr. Monty Patton
Being Determined Without Being Defiant
Daniel 1:8-11
Invitation Hymn No. 562
Be Thou My Vision
Benediction Hymn No. 526
The Solid Rock
Connection Cards: Welcome to our service today! Our prayer
is that you feel welcome here, no matter where you are in your
life. If you are a visitor, please fill out a connection card and hand
it to a greeter next to one of the exit doors and receive a gift bag.
Thanksgiving Luncheon: 1:00 Thanksgiving Day, Nov 28. Please see information and signup sheet in the back hallway.
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child: Shoebox packing party on Friday Nov 15 at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall.
Please put your name on the signup sheet.
Mim Sawtell Nov 13
Huba Wells Nov 14
Mary Lou Wurts Nov 15
Deacon of the Week: Bob Smith
Alternate Deacon: Bob Stout
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
*We have GVBC pocket calendars this year in the back church hallway if you would like one.
Sunday, Nov 10 - (Bible Reading –Jeremiah 19-20)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Sunday Service
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, Nov 11 - (Bible Reading –Jer 21-22)
Veterans Day Luncheon
Doors open at 11:30
Meal at 12:00
Tuesday, Nov 12 - (Bible Reading – Jer 23-24)
10:00 am Sharing Grief
10:00 am Sts Alive -going to Cheddar’s Scratch Kitchen
Wednesday, Nov 13 - (Bible Reading – Jer 25-26)
9:00 am Grandma & Grandpa Reading program-Shepherd’s Fold
10:00 am Quarterly Finance Committee Mtg
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting – Guest Speaker, Annie Whiteside
6:45 pm Choir Practice
Thursday, Nov 14 - (Bible Reading – Jer 27-28)
8:30 am Men’s Breakfast followed by Bible Study
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study
2:00 pm Silver Springs Bible study/service
6:00 pm Facebook Devotional
Friday, Nov 15 - (Bible Reading – Jer 29-30)
10:00 am Shoebox Packing Party – Fellowship Hall
1:00 pm Joy Class meets
Saturday, Nov 16 - (Bible Reading – Jer 31-32)