Welcome & Announcements
Hymns of Praise!
Hymn No. 10
Hymn No. 372
Our God Reigns
Pastoral Prayer
Hymn No. 438
Jesus Saves
Hymn No. 430
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
Special Music - Choir
Shine Jesus Shine
Missionary Moments
Offertory Prayer - Scott Whiteside
Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum
Pastor David Pack
There Is No Plan B
Romans 10:13-15
Invitation Hymn No. 598
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
Benediction Hymn No. 598
Wherever He Leads I'll Go
“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!” 1 Chronicles 16:34 ESV
Happy Thanksgiving!
Connection Cards: Welcome to our service today! Our prayer
is that you feel welcome here, no matter where you are in your
life. If you are a visitor, please fill out a connection card and hand
it to a greeter next to one of the exit doors and receive a gift bag.
Nativity: Help needed. We are gearing up for our Drive Thru Nativity that starts on Friday Dec.13th. There are several “workdays” or “fun set up days” that are scheduled. Please see the bulletin board in the back hallway for scheduled times. Thank you everyone!
**Also help is needed to decorate the inside of the church
on Friday, Nov 29 at 9am. Just show up!
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, Dec 4 our prayer meeting will be a little different. We are having a potluck at 5pm followed by a guest mission speaker, Edward Elder, who will be speaking about Lottie Moon.
Kids Night Out: Friday, Dec 6 from 4:30pm-9pm. Please see the bulletin board in the back hallway for information and serving opportunities.
Mel Hawbecker Nov 25
Bob Smith Nov 29
Deacon of the Week: Scott Whiteside
Alternate Deacon: Rick Woodard
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Sunday, Nov 24 - (Bible Reading –Jeremiah 47-48)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Sunday Service
6:00 pm Life Group
Monday, Nov 25 - (Bible Reading –Jer 49-50)
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Tuesday, Nov 26 - (Bible Reading – Jer 51)
10:00 am Sharing Grief – Room C5
Wednesday, Nov 27 - (Bible Reading – Jer 52)
9:00 am Grandma & Grandpa Reading program-Shepherd’s Fold
5:00 pm Safety Team Meeting – Rm C1
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting
6:00 pm Choir Practice in the Worship Center
Thursday, Nov 28 - (Bible Reading – Lamentations 1-2)
Office & Shepherd’s Fold Closed
1:00 pm Thanksgiving Luncheon
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Friday, Nov 29 - (Bible Reading – Lam 3)
Shepherd’s Fold Closed
9:00 am Decorating inside of the church- help needed.
Just show up.
Saturday, Nov 30 - (Bible Reading – Lam 4-5)