Vicarious Victory
Guelph Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Scripture Reading

1 Samuel 17:45-46ESV

Order of Service
  1. Profession of Faith....................Lineage
  2. Welcome & Prayer.....................Sis. Jonylle Smith
  3. Announcements........................Bro. Pacifique Nicholas
  4. Praise & Worship.......................Praise Team
  5. Intercessory Prayer...................Sis. Angela Bedward
  6. Scripture Reading ....................Bro. Mulu Eyeab
  7. Tithe & Offering...Adventist Giving...Sis. Martha Achireko
  8. Children's Story........................TBA
  9. Intro to Speaker........................Bro. Opoku Adjei-Afriyie
  10. Special Music ...........................Bro. Joshua Otoo
  11. Sermon..."Vicarious Victory".....Pr. James Rooney
  12. Closing Song............................#633 – When We All Get to Heaven
  13. Benediction..............................TBA
  14. Closing Remarks.......................Sis. Jonylle Smith
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