"Under the cross, in the word" has been the church motto for a number of years. What does this mean and how does it affect our every day life?
"Under the cross" means we recognize our need for a Savior, Jesus. We need to trust that He died as payment to free us from our sin and the consequence of our sin, which is separation from God. Under the cross means we also recognize Jesus as our Lord, to lead us and provide us with an example of how to love and serve God by loving and serving others.
"In the Word" means we seek to grow in our faith by reading from God's Word, the Bible. It means we believe that God communicates with mankind through this message that He inspired men to write down, and inspired men to amass these writings and preserve their accuracy. When we live in the word, we are finding the very best way to live out life in a way that honours God, and we find a better understanding of God's love for mankind, and grow our relationship with God. The cross brought salvation, the Word brings growth.