Thy Kingdom Come
Day One
Be still


We invite you to join us as we meditate, pray, and sing together, longing for God to move in reviving and saving power. 

“Believe God's word and power more than you believe your own feelings and experiences. Your Rock is Christ, and it is not the Rock which ebbs and flows, but your sea.” 

― Samuel Rutherford


Proverbs 1NKJV


Pray for 5 people who you would love to see become followers of Jesus Christ. Name them before the Lord, asking God to reveal Himself to them, and that He would draw them in grace, mercy and love to trust and follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.  

Close your prayer time with the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, 

Hallowed be Thy name. 

Thy kingdom come. 

Thy will be done 

on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day 

our daily bread. 

And forgive us our debts, 

as we forgive our debtors. 

And lead us not into temptation, 

but deliver us from evil. 

For Thine is the kingdom, 

and the power, and the glory, 

for ever. Amen.