Sept 17 Pentecost 16 Sunday 9:30 A.M. FINAL SLW
  • When Morning Gilds the Skies (Hymnal 427)
  • The Church's One Foundation (Hymnal 525)
  • I Come With Joy (Hymnal 304)
  • Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (Hymnal 518)
  • Processional Hymn
  • Bless the Lord, My Soul
      • Exodus 14:19–31NRSV

      • Romans 14:1–12NRSV

  • The Church's One Foundation (Hymnal 525)
      • Matthew 18:21–35NRSV

  • The Church's One Foundation (Hymnal 525)
  • Hear Our Prayer
  • From All that Dwell Below the Skies
  • Sanctus (Iona)
  • Eat This Bread
  • Communion Hymn
  • Processional Hymn