April 13 2024 Easter 3 - Saturday 5:00 P.M. ALK Final
  • Christ is Alive, Let Christians Sing (Hymnal 182)
  • Lord be Glorified (Other)
  • Break Thou The Bread Of Life (LEVAS 146)
  • Shine, Jesus Shine (SFPW 142)
  • Processional Hymn
  • Gloria in Excelsis Deo
      • Acts 3:12–19NIV2011

      • 1 John 3:1–7NIV2011

  • Sequence Hymn 1
      • Luke 24:36b–48NIV2011

  • Sequence Hymn 1
  • O Lord Hear My Prayer (Taize)
  • From All that Dwell Below the Skies
  • Sanctus (Iona)
  • Eat This Bread
  • Communion Hymn
  • Processional Hymn