• Has a way been developed to add clippings from non-logos sources? Any possibility that is coming in the future?
    1. , it's definitely something we'd like to do at some point. You can vote for it here: https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-desktop-app/posts/clippings-from-external-resources. cc:
    2. Probably just the cut and paste would be my guess
  • We need a faster way to rearrange clippings. For example, if you add a clipping to the end of a long list, then try to drag it to the top, it can take minutes of super-slow scrolling to get it up there. If anyone knows of a faster way to do this, please let me know. Otherwise, I would like to request some feature that makes it faster to rearrange the clippings in long lists.
    1. The cut and pasting it into a new clipping at the top wouldn't work?
    2. It would be helpful if you could sort the clippings either by passage or even tags we assign as users. I love the feature but agree with Randy that it is hard to move them around. If I add them as I study, they are in order by resource, but when creating a message, I use them in order of the verses in the text.
    3. Mark, I think new clippings go to the bottom, by default.
  • I notice a hyperlink icon in the clippings menu. Is there any practical application training associated. p.s. Ain't no Ham like BellingHam!
    1. Email Morris, or on the Webinar page, sign up for the library for a month and take advantage of all that. There is a trining on these hyper links, I have seen then a few times. I would explain it but I have not used it enough to be able to.
    2. Thank you brother.
  • What would be useful here, is the capacity to add a clipping from a source other than in our own Logos library - from a website, etc.
    1. After 24,000 notes, 15-20 thousand notebooks. I found a simple solution. Clippings for all other authors, books, lexicons, dicionary's etc. For my personal work, I make notes. I deleted 24,000 notes, and note books. Documents I create, notes. All other data. clippings. It has been a wonder experiment...........
    2. Can you please teach me to use clippings like this? I am just trying to master this skill for research here in the middle of my MA in Theology at Regent College. Your wisdom would be incredibly appreciated!
    3. I went back to notes, with maximum use of notebooks for every subject. Makes searching for any subject mich faster. While placing an anchor for every time the in the Bible subject is mentioned in the Bible. Leaving one well searched subject note. As you see the note link icon throughout as you read. As you read, you can see a link to massive info, without having to look it up.
  • Is this group still active?
    1.  thank you for your note file on the ESV translation changes! It's excellent!
      1. Quite new to Logos, retired and trying to keep up with today's technology. How do I download a clipping and put it into my library? Love this software!
        1. Hi Karl, what you will need to do first is "join" a group, then go to the "documents" tab and see all of the documents in that group. Then you can click to the right of each document and choose to copy it, and it will show up on your software!
        2. Excellent, Bruce. Thank you.
      2. Maybe someone can help me with a technical search issue I've been mulling over. The specific search that would be required to find every place that Jesus is referred to as "he". I know it can be found in the people, places, things tool, but how would you conduct a search for it?
        1. I used std search, click on bible on top left, search all bible text in all passes in top bibles. Type in He ANDNOT Christ hit enter and it works at least for me. The word He for Christ is in yellow. There are a few that aren't right but I'm looking for a more defined command.
        2. God bless Joe: There is a link to a Morris Proctor article, maybe it can help: https://blog.logos.com/?s=locate+verses+for+a+character+study
        3. I finally figured it out. Bible search/all bible text/all passages <Person Jesus> ANDEQUAL he
      3. okay, I've been working on an idea that might help get us the info we want for collaboration. I don't know the skill level of anyone in the group, but it is possible to share vry specific searches. that's great, but it means that we would also need to have similar collections setup. here is my suggestion - 1st: copy collection rule into a note file. 2nd: run the search on your software with the appropriate collection. 3rd: copy to URL from the search icon 4th: paste link into note file This means that everyone wishing to collaborate on the note file doesn't have to duplicate the work and the person requesting info has the opportunity to specify exactly what they want to know.
        1. Hi Joe, the post above does not seem to have passed on the full content of my note file. I pasted the url of the note file. Is this the way to go? Also the previous post was a compact note. I'll try a full note here. logos4:Notes;title=Unpardonable_Sin
        2. OK now I have it. Unpardonable Sin (title:(manner,custom,background,archaeolog, archeolog) OR subject:(manner,custom,"New Testament--Background","Jews", "Judaism") OR (subject:(excavation,archaeolog,archeolog, antiquities) OR type:(encyclopedia) OR title:(map,atlas))) ANDNOT subject:(canon,doctrine,"Jews--Conversion", "Hebrew Language") ANDNOT title:(Cascadia,Syntac) --- logos4:Search;kind=Basic;q=blasphemy_NEAR_Spirit;match=stem --- Exported from Logos Bible Software, 9:10 AM 22 September 2014.
        3. That helps refine the collection used for search. I'm glad that someone understands what I was. Trying to say about searching, but the real power here is that we can copy the specific info. From an article & share it with someone who doesn't have the specified resource, ie Ryrie study Bible. After placed in a note file, full bibliographical info is also included.
      4. Just joined! Let me know if I can assist any!
        1. Any ideas are welcome. Any curiosities on resources you don't have,someone will try to fill in.