• Welcome! This is a group for Logos Bible Software users to discuss Copy Bible Verses: get help, share tips, make suggestions, share styles, etc.
  • Anything new to correct the Copy Bible Verses app from not pasting into Word 365? I have the latest update in Logos 10, but that did not correct the problem.
    1. I take that back. The "copy/paste" feature of Copy Bible Verses not working again.
      1. I made a post about two hours ago (06/24/2024, 1300 hours) describing a problem with the being able to "copy and paste" the Bible verses. I was only able to copy and then manually paste them into Word 365. I just attempted to do it again, and it worked this time. I'm not sure why it stopped and started working again.
        1. I've just started experiencing a problem the "Copy Bible Verses." I have a PC, Windows 11, Microsoft Word 365, and Logos 10. The Logos program will "copy" the verses correctly, where I have to manually paste them into Word, but the "Copy and Paste" feature quit working. Any ideas? Thank you all :)
          1. The program is not run as an admin.
          2. Thanks for checking - I'll get the case updated for our team.
          3. Thank you, sir :)
        2. In Copy Bible Verses, there is an italisized "Word Styles" however I do not find how to enter a specific Word style.
          1.  — Edited

            , can you explain more about what you're trying to do, perhaps with a screenshot of what you're seeing and referring to? Happy to try to help.
        3. How to copy more than one verse at a time in Logos 11
          1. I love the Copy Bible Verses tool and use it regularly. Can it be enhanced so I can copy more than one text containing that verse ie: copy the Greek or Hebrew as well?
            1. I have lost the ability to select a style when I want to copy a verse. I can select the version and where to copy it, but not the style. Any ideas?
              1. It looks like you've created a style with no name. Click the Panel menu (three vertical dots). Choose "Delete style" to remove it and go back to a built-in style. Or choose "Edit style", then enter a name for this style and click Save.
            2. Is there a way to organize the order of the Copy styles? I primarily use two different Copy Bible Verses styles. It would be nice if they were the first two I saw on the list.
              1.  — Edited

                For some reason, my Copy and Paste feature will no longer automatically open Word or automatically paste into Word. It's one of my favorite features. Can anybody help? I'm using a PC running Windows 11 and have Logos 10.
                1. I had the same issue. What I discovered was the security setting in my Word 365 was requiring me to allow automatic pasting from Logos. I discover this by using alt-tab and selecting the message window.
                2. I have Word 365. I don't see what your saying about the requirement to allow automatic pasting from Logos.