Maineville Baptist Church
Proper Praise - by Pastor Mark Sage
Order of Service

705 Isn’t He Wonderful

278 At Calvary

Welcome / Annoucements 

381 Blessed Assurance

Scripture Reading: Psalm 34:1-10

380 On Christ I Stand

AM Sermon: Proper Praise


492 Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Saviour


The Duke of Wellington, the British military leader who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, was not an easy man to serve under. He was brilliant, demanding, and not one to shower his subordinates with compliments. Yet even Wellington realized that his methods left something to be desired. In his old age a young lady asked him what, if anything, he would do differently if he had his life to live over again. Wellington thought for a moment, then replied. "I'd give more praise," he said. - Bits & Pieces, March 31, 1994, p. 24.

Johann Sebastian Bach said, “All music should have no other end and aim than the glory of God and the soul’s refreshment; where this is not remembered there is no real music but only a devilish hub-bub.”

He headed all of his compositions: ”J. J.,” the initials for, ”Jesus Juva” which means “Jesus help me.”

He ended them “S.D.G.,” the initials for, “Soli Dei Gratia” which means “To God alone be the glory.” - Source: Light Steps, Timothy W. Bowes