Meadows Christian Fellowship
WORSHIP - September 27, 2020
Welcome to Meadows Christian Fellowship!

Last week, we heard that Biblical mourning leads to repentance, and that Biblical repentance leads to life and restoration. As we considered this, Pastor Andrew reminded us of the story of the raising of Lazarus. In this story, as Martha comes to Christ, mourning her dead brother Lazarus, Jesus tells her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

For Martha, and for us as well, this is an amazing promise along with an intensely relevant question from our Savior Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we cling to this promise of eternal life in Him, and as we gather for worship it is an opportunity for us all to be built up in our faith and to proclaim our answer to his question... Yes, we believe this! As these words of Jesus call us into worship this week, we’ll declare our shared belief in eternal life through Christ as we sing Glorious Day and King of Kings.

Following our Kids’ Time and a special Catch the Wave update, Pastor Andrew will wrap up our 40 Days focus with a message from Joel 2:18-3:17 centered on the theme of Preparation. We’ll respond together by singing Who You Say I Am, pray together for our Giving, and close with a Benediction. As always, tell us how we can be praying for you. Send your prayers requests to:

      • John 11:25–26ESV

  • Glorious Day
  • King Of Kings
              • Joel 2:28–32ESV

          • Who You Say I Am