• Hello Family, The weather forecast says the rain will let up from 12-1pm. (Perfect timing 😊) Stepping out in faith and confirming our 12-1pm Prayer Walk. Bring a light jacket, your umbrellas and meet me at the parking lot on 2nd St. & Sassafras St. in Millville NJ. Today's prayer focus will be 3rd St. & 4th St. Pastor Des #walkwithHim #PrayerWalk #millvillenj #millvillechurchofthenazarene #rainraingoaway
    1. Hello Family (Shalom Y'all!) We will not be having our "Walk With Him: Center City Millville Prayer Walk" tomorrow afternoon, but we will still have the opportunity to pray for our community. At PlayStreets this week, we collected prayer requests directly from children and their families. They shared "WOW!", "THANKS!", and "HELP!" prayers with us. How awesome, right?! Let's spend some time this weekend, wherever and whenever you can devote some time, lifting up prayers for our community. God knows each person by name and He knows their situations. Thank you for interceding on their behalf!! ♥️😊 Pastor Des ------------------------------ "Wow!" Prayers from our community: - God helped me not to be allergic to horses so I can enjoy horse camp! - Butterflies 🦋 - for LOVE ♥️ - the sun 🌞 - Dunk Tanks💧 - cool caves where bats can live 🦇 - Dinosaurs 🦖 - roller coasters 🎢 - my niece, Vika 👧🏽 - God is awesome because He made us😊 - the ocean 🌊 - fireworks 🎇 "Thanks!" Prayers from our community: - for another day of wonderful life 😁 - for my dad and mom👩🏽‍❤️‍👨🏽 - for my sister's and brothers 👦👧 - for God bringing me into this world 🌍 - for my whole family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 - for my Oma (grandmother) 👵🏽 - God, for saving me! 🛟 - for dying for our sins 🩸 - for Jesus! ✝️ - for my house, mom, dog and cats 🏠👩🏽🐕🐈 - for Jesus making me 🧬 - that I am now cancer free (Mary Fisher) 🙌 - for my friends and church family ♥️⛪ - for Christian people I can freely talk to 🗣️ - God, for making the world exist 🌏 "Help!" Prayers from our community: 🙏🏽🛐 - me and my family - to find a new home before the new school year - heal Logan's elbow and finger injury - prayers for J.R. - my legs - my health and my kidneys - prayers for my mom, Rashakeda English - for God to heal Diana and to touch her heart - for God to help my boo boo to heal - to get over this sickness and help my family get well - to find my own place to live here or in Alaska - prayers for Lisa - God, help my dad - my back pain - for my mother's total healing - to be educated enough to help others!
      1. Join us for a center city Millville prayer walk today @12pm! Park at the lot on 2ndSt. & Sassafras St. Then we'll prayer walk a loop around 4th and 5th streets. See you soon! A little morning inspiration: https://youtu.be/2cU_S5Cvx1s
        1. Hello prayer warriors! Here's a little morning inspiration: https://youtu.be/nCxqjEz5hJ4
          1.  — Edited

            Shalom Y'all! During today's Walk with Him: Center City Prayer Walk, we prayed over: - Our schools, and our teachers, whom we love ♥️ - Peace in America and our world - Churches and their community impact - The housing market - Local businesses - Community revitalization efforts - The Arts District - The health and safety of center city neighborhoods - Thankfulness for God's creation, (especially trees with shade and cold water! lol) - And much more... We also had great conversations with one another about our connections to center city. As we drew near the end of our walk, we stopped to pray with two of our neighbors who wanted to intercede for our hurting world. 🙏🏿 Thank you to Pastor Merki and the Hyson Family for joining me bravely on this hot afternoon. Thank you also to those who prayed with us from home during this hour. It means so much to me and to the Father. ACTION STEP: One of our younger prayer walkers, (shout-out to Berkeley) had the best idea. In our next prayer walk, we should bring trash bags to pick up trash on the street as we pray. I love, love, LOVE this idea and will be putting an order in for some "reach and grab" tools. Thanks for the good idea on how to bless our community! Hope you all can join us next time! Saturday June 25th 12pm-1pm, prayer walking 4th and 5th Street. Pastor Des
            1. Steve and Manjit, husband and wife, prayer walk their neighborhood and use the 6 "P's" of the Lord's Prayer as a guide to interceding (Praise, Priority, Provision, Pardon, Protection, Praise). Hear their testimony and try this focused prayer strategy in your own community! Join us this Saturday from 12-1pm (starting at 2nd & Sassafras St.) as we walk and pray for our neighbors in center city Millville. ♥️ 🏡🚶🏿‍♀️🚶🏼💒🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏾🏘️♥️ * Go2020 Guide: Prayer Walking (GOMVMT USA) https://youtu.be/VgCjz_1T27U And a little morning inspiration!🎶🙏🏿 *The God Who Listens-Chris Tomlin ft. Thomas Rhett https://youtu.be/9sqLqR41Ulg Pastor Des
              1. Shalom Y'all! Wondering what our Walk With Him: Center City Millville Prayer Walk is like? Here's a short video with a great prayer strategy much like the one we use! You can incorporate this into prayer walks in your community as well. 🙏🏿 How To Do A Prayer Walk In Your Community https://youtu.be/uwqGXrCXDDw And a little morning inspiration! 🙂 When We Pray- Tauren Wells https://youtu.be/9YZZzgJB33E Pastor Des
                1. Join us as we begin again with our center city Millville Prayer Walk. Step by step, we ask for God's life changing presence and power to be at work in our city. The more people that participate, the more streets we can cover, and the more lives we can touch. God is always faithful to speak and put us in the path of someone who needs to hear from Him. Wherever we go, we never walk alone...we always Walk With Him!
                  1. (reply blocked)
                  2. Thank you Walt! Rockin' it out. You are so appreciated brother.