Welcome, We are here to serve!
Verses of the Day

The Sin-Bearing Messiah


Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.."

(Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV)

Program Outline

Sabbath School

9:45 a.m.


Lesson Study: Covenantal Love

Superintendent: Elder Nerine Ward

Theme Song ......................................................... He is Here Hallelujah

Opening Hymn ...................... # 000 ....... A Song from the SDA Hymnal

Scripture Reading ..................................................... "The Holy Bible "

................................................ Prayer .....................................................

Opening Remarks ................................................... Elder Nerine Ward

Mission Story .......................................................... "Sibu of the Bible"

Special Music ................................................................. A Lovely Treat

Lesson Study ............................................................................... Adults

Closing Remarks ..................................................... Elder Nerine Ward

Closing Hymn ..................... # 000 .......... A Song from the SDA Hymnal

Closing Prayer ......................................................... Elder Nerine Ward

Divine Service

11:00 a.m.

(Live YouTube Link)


................................................ Welcome ...............................................

................................................... Prayer .................................................

........................................... Praise & Worship ..........................................

Pastoral Corner & Announcements ........................ Elder Errol Dennis

Opening Hymn ........................... # 000 .... A Song from the SDA Hymnal

Call to Prayer ............................ # 671 ..... As We Come to You in Prayer

Intercessory Prayer .................................................... Church Member

Prayer Response ....................... # 684 ............ Hear Our Prayer, O Lord

Children's Story ...................................................... Elder Nerine Ward

Special Song .................................................... Brother Delroy Spence

Scripture Reading ..................................................... "The Holy Bible"

Offering .......................... "Religious Liberty" ........ Sister Marva Dennis

Offertory Song ........................ # 670 ..... We Give Thee But Thine Own

Song of Meditation .......................................... Brother Delroy Spence

Sermon .................................................................... Elder Errol Dennis

Closing Hymn ............................ # 000 ..... A Song from the SDA Hymnal

Benediction ............................................................. Elder Errol Dennis

Postlude .................................................... Let the Church Say, "Amen"



Brother Victor Allen

Deacon On Duty:

Brother Albert Bartley