-Prayers for James K as he recovers from appendectomy.
-Be Praying for Darrell P as he has a long recovery from retina surgery.
-Pray for Chris M. as she recovers from surgery on her wrist.
-Pray for the Keener’s daughter, Sherry. She has a ruptured disc and is having severe pain.
-Keeping Carolyn in prayer. The treatments she was having are not being successful. Pray for guidance as to the next step towards relief of her severe pain.
-Please pray for Lois P. for health and freedom from any side effects as she receives five radiation treatments over the next two weeks
-Ephram was taken to the urgent care last Saturday for wheezing. He was given steroids and a breathing treatment but did not handle it well. They are discerning between viral or allergies.
This Week:
Apr 21- 2:00pm Service at Rheems
Apr 22- 6:30pm Church Board Meeting
Apr 23- Voting Day
Apr 24- 6:30 Clubs/Youth Group
Apr 24- 6:30 Prayer Group
Apr 25- 6:00pm Men’s Dinner at Gus’s
Apr 27- 6:00pm Youth Game Night
Looking Ahead:
May 4- Youth Car Wash Fundraiser
May 11- 5:00pm Ladies Banquet
May 13- 6:30pm Church Board Meeting
May 19- 2:00pm Service at Rheems
May 23- 6:00 pm Men’s Dinner at Gus’s
May 24-27- Church Camping at Roxbury
June 10- 6:30pm Church Board Meeting
June 13- MCC Service Project
June 15- Men’s Breakfast
June 16- 2:00pm Service at Rheems
June 22- Ice Cream Social
June 27- 6:00pm Men’s Dinner at Gus’s
June 30- Jay and Judy Smith Speaking
July 1-5- Youth Service Trip
July 8- 6:30pm Church Board Meeting
July 21- 2:00pm Service at Rheems
July 22-25- Children’s Camp
July 28- 4:00pm Church Picnic
$1,716.63 – General Fund
Discovery Hour - 49
Morning Worship Hour – 76
5- Virtual