Nashville Baptist Church (NC)
Sunday, July 26, 2020 - Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Children's Bulletins Available

Children's Bulletins are available so that your child may participate in the service. To access our children's bulletin based on today's sermon, please choose from the following:

Ages 3-6: Please click here

Ages 7-12: Please click here


Greeting: Pam Bass


BOLT Virtual VBS

Registration is open!

Nashville Baptist Church is excited to be hosting a virtual vacation bible school called, "Backyard BOLT Toward Faith in Jesus."

Since you can’t bring your kids to VBS, we’re bringing VBS to your house!

This online program is packed with Bible story videos, crafts, and even off-line games for your whole family to play!

To gain access to this fun, action-packed resource - register online by clicking here.

Altar Flowers: by Sandra Mayo

The flowers are given in praise of our risen Lord and Savior and dedicated to His sheep who know their Shepherd & hear His voice. Although the world seems to be "in pieces" right now....we know the ending...and it is a glorious one! God is still in control! 

Chiming of the Trinity:

(Worship begins with the Chiming of the Trinity followed by the Voluntary. Please use this time to enjoy the sacred music and to prepare your heart and mind for an encounter with God.)

Voluntary: Clyde Patterson

Prelude in Classic Style

Arr. by Gordon Young

Call to Worship: Rev., J. Kenneth Byrd

Give thanks to God and call on His name.

Make known God’s deeds among the people.

Seek His presence and strength.

Sing aloud His praises that all may hear!

Let us worship our God who is always near.

Hymn of Praise:

(20) Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above


A Time with Children: Rev. Byrd

Psalter Reading: Pam Bass

Psalm 105:1-11, 45b

Psalm 105:1-11ESV

Psalm 105: 45bESV

An Invocation & the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come. They will be done,

On Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever. Amen.


On Eagle's Wings

arr. by Douglas Wagner

Prayer of Dedication:

A Doxology:

Old 100th

Epistle Reading: Rev. Byrd

Romans 8:26-39 (ESV)

Romans 8:26-39ESV

Call to Prayer:

When we are not sure how to pray,

or if we are even able to address God in prayer,

the Spirit intercedes for us

with sighs too deep for words.

Know that no matter what, nothing,

absolutely nothing can ever separate us

from God's presence and His love.

Think on this as we pray . . .

Time of Silent Prayer:

Pastoral Prayer:

Sharing in God's Word:

Steady Steps and Watery Eyes!

Emphasis Text: Psalm 119:129-136, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Hymn of Commitment:

(260) Holy Bible, Book Divine


Commission & Blessing:

We go forth -

With a song of praise on our lips,

With the love of God in our hearts,

With a commitment to the word of God,

With all that we are and all we can be,

We go forth to serve and proclaim!


Chiming of the Trinity:

Postlude: Sarah Hinton

The Ministry of Worship

Rev., J. Kenneth Byrd, Jr., Pastor

Sarah Hinton, Pianist

Clyde Patterson, Organist