• Love- payback
    Eye for eye= revenge! justice! Turn the other cheek.. 1. Jesus calls for neither positivity nor pacifism. Resist- anthistemi : to take to court or testify against The real meaning and purpose of the law. Exodus 21:23-25 (eye for eye) 2 Loving relationships not legal rights Let the insults come when slapped. Give away your cloak and tunic, go 2 miles, give to those who beg and borrow. Do you live like this? Do you live for God's glory instead of your own? 3 Love everyone; loathe no one Leviticus 18:19 love your neighbor. Instead live enemies and pray for those who persecute you. 4 Perfection like Father like Son. ??&)$!?? How? Be a reflection of Jesus life lived for me. He turned the other cheek, he gave his cloak and tunic, he prayed for the forgiveness of his persecutors from the cross. We are free to live others and from getting my way. Jim Elliot missionary. He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Wherever you are - be all there. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.
    1. 6/24/17 The Best Sermon Ever D. Milroy
      6/24/17 The Best Sermon Ever D. Milroy How can we be made right with God? Do good and we can be with God. But if we don't always do good, how do we resolve that bad we do? Just try, and not worry about it??? So what do we believe about the Bible? 1. Jesus held the highest possible view of the scriptures. (40 days in desert;.. mark 7:18-19... Jesus also declares all foods clean; ... ) 2. Jesus fulfilled the law and the prophets. (He completes the sacrificial system. He gives holiness in him, Not our clothes. He fulfills the prophets in his life. Ceremonia lare laws fulfilled. ) 3. We need Him and we need holiness. (Without holiness, we can't see God's kingdom. But he does critique the Pharisees interpretation of the law. )...
      1. Blessed Living toward others: Best sermon ever 6/11/17 Ken Rathburn.
        Blessed Living toward others: Best sermon ever 6/11/17 Ken Rathburn. Model of living out relationships (Spiritual) Behaviors commended / blessings promised (related but not contingent on behaviors) Indiscriminate mercy /reviving divine mercy (unforgiving servant) Show mercy to sheuhen and customers. Consistent purity // seeing his glory If we are deep in his presence now we will be see his purity in our lives. Peacemaking, not appeasement // being his children Not avoiding conflict rather, true peace with him. Unity of followers, person of God and the cross? Col 1:29 peace & blood Shading truth vs appeasement. Myles Suffering for Christ // Kingdom reward Some will revile us, and we tend to avoid persecution, challenge, testing. Expecting to take a stand or lose a friend to stand accepting persecution. Be glad we are like the prophets when we are reviled for Christs name. Are we afraid of of awkward Conversations? A blessed life = living the Gospel Stop playing a character to fit in... share the gospel. Show mercy.
        1. Blessed
          Best sermon ever 6/4/17 Blessed Living Toward God Beatitude = Blessed Who is Jesus talking to? Disciples primarily for Christian behaviors that should grow in all christians They are not if then statements. (Legalism) rather all christians should exhibit behaviors and all will receive the guaranteed blessings. ~~Behaviors commended <> blessings promised -- Acknowledging spiritual poverty <> kingdom abundance (does our wealth distract us from the kingdom abundance and only Christ can work it out) ~~Mourning over sinfulness <> true comfort~~ Are we more concerned with how to get out of he consequences or honestly affected by our sin? are you actually sorry? ~~meekness (gentleness humility)<> complete inheritance~~ Quiet confidence that God is organizing this world in the right way. ~~appetite for righteousness<>total righteousness~~ If I find in myself desires that the world can't meet, therefore I'm made for another place. A blessed life =Living the Gospel. Wow!
          1. boldly
            Paul is always bold. So if he is aksking for boldness, when is bold, bold enough?
            1. fornication and impurity of any kind, or greed
              Sins of impurity is easier to measure, but greed coveting is frequently below the water line. And yet all of these are idols that we put before God? How do we tell the separation of drive to accomplish at work to get more. Are we focusing on my glory and my accomplishment? Idolatry? Or in thankfulness are we glorifying God in all things?
              1. Gentiles
                The emphasis seems to be more about in believers. Our life should be different that the previous life.
                1. love
                  Love. Gods love is greater than our knowledge
                  1. Love trumps knowledge. If we don't live the love of Christ our knowledge is either worthless or pharasitical. His emphasis is to have Christ in your inner dwelling and Gods love in your inner life. We are to be strong and knowledgeable and in all ROOTED in love. We get deeper in the place and skills we are blessed with. Chained to a guard both as a joy for his sufferings.
                2. gospel
                  This is similar to the promise of Abraham but now it is revealed in Christ that all people are God's chosen people.
                  1. Key verse
                    Individual & collective- praying because of their individual faith. But also go their collective faith. Is this a key verse that we can have eyes openned and ability to see Jesus who is over all names, peoples, etc.