• Please pray.

    Prayer Request: Please pray for Stephanie Marcum (Russell). She has been battling tremendous weakness in her body, especially her legs. Pray for a miraculous healing in her entire body. Thank you to Janis for getting her much-needed medication yesterday. #bettertogethernlcville
    1. Please pray.

      Update: I visited with Del yesterday at the hospital. Continue praying for a touch in his body. He is on oxygen (3 liters) and would like to breathe completely on his own. Jane was with him and appreciates your prayers. Thank you. Pastor Tim
      1. Please pray.

        Update & Prayer Request: 1. I received an update tonight from Jane Miller concerning Del and Esther. They both continue to struggle. Esther is stable (at a rehab facility), but Del is dealing with a bout of pneumonia, and the antibiotic he is taking doesn't seem to be helping. He also has an eye infection. Pray for both, for healing and a complete touch in the name of Jesus. They need His touch tonight. 2. Teresa Suckechi is new to our church family. She stopped by the church today and asked for prayer for healing in her body. Pastor Monica and I prayed with her, and we are believing for a divine touch upon her body. Please join with us! Thank you. Pastor Tim
        1. Update: After several tests, a scan, and lots of time sitting at the hospital, Dawn Wamsley is on her way home. She thanks all of you for your prayers. They will be able to manage everything with some changes in her meds, etc. Thank you church family! PT
          1. Please pray.

            Note - Prayer Requests - Update: 1. First, once again, it was our privilege during the mid-week service to welcome a guest who attended Sunday's service. Exciting times indeed! 2. Pray for Dawn Wamsley. She has contracted a staff infection in her upper body. Be praying for a complete touch from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head. Let's believe with her! 3. Barbara Beach needs a complete touch in her body from a recent bout (about a month ago) from a virus. She continues to struggle to regain her strength. 4. Pray for a friend of Holly Szymczak. She recently lost her mother to death. Pray for comfort and strength as she mourns this loss. 5. Pray for Joe DeWeese's cousin's wife. She had some polyps removed, and the doctors seem concerned with what they took. 6. Teresa Whaley continues to recover but needs our continued prayers for complete healing from Bell's Palsy. 7. Esther Miller is now at a rehab facility, but I received word from Jane tonight that Del (Esther's husband) is now in the hospital. They both are fighting pneumonia. Pray for a complete healing in both their bodies. Thank you. Pastor Tim
            1. I am happy to announce that even though Faithlife shuts down this week, we have created a private "New Life Family Only" page on the website, so our church family can opt to go there for prayer requests, updates, coming church activities, pictures, videos, and more! JUST FOR YOU! We do ask you do not give the login/password information to those who do not attend New Life due to the sensitive nature of certain requests and other "family" information that we just want you to see (like we're currently using right here on Faithlife and on Facebook). Thanks for understanding. Login information/password information will be distributed this Wednesday during the mid-week service and Sunday. Blessings! Pastor Tim
              1. Please pray.

                Prayer Requests: 1. Please pray for Esther Miller. She had to be taken to the hospital last night. She is suffering with low oxygen levels and has pneumonia. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. 2. Please pray for Bruce and Glenda Hannigan's granddaughter (Tinsley). She is very sick with swollen tonsils. She is on antibiotics but is still struggling to move past it. Thank you. Pastor Tim
                1. Please pray.

                  Update & Prayer Request: 1. Esther Miller's kidney function is almost normal - we praise the Lord for this great news! They are hoping to transfer her to a rehab facility in Waverly later today. Thank you for your continued prayers. 2. Teresa Whaley needs a touch in her body. Late last week, she had a serious health complication and was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. She is partially numb on her entire right side, including limbs and eye function. She is able to work, but is believing the Lord for a complete healing in her body. Pray that the Lord would touch right now, in Jesus' name! Thank you. Pastor Tim