• Looking Forward to working through this lesson.
    1. Thoroughly enjoy the study and going through it again for a 3rd time now.  If possible please put together more courses and if at all possible have links to additional study ( Including locked material) at least available for preview in the course only of course.  Thanks Mike for putting this together. Shalom
      1. hello everyone...just started. nice to meet you all!
    2. In section SEGMENT 29:Finding and Understanding Early Jewish Writing it shows how to make a collection with ancient Jewish texts. Instead of using rules to create a list of books the student is to manually build this collection. Has anyone already done this and if so would you share it with the class? It would be nice if there was a link in the text to download the collection that the author already made.
      1. In segment 28 of the course it has hyperlinks to the Apocalypse of Abraham. The hyperlinks do not work for me. What is the title for the resource that the hyperlinks are linked to?
        1. It is not linked to a specific resource, so it will work with any original text or translation that contains the reference. It is available in English translated by R. Rubinkiewicz in “Old Testament Pseudepigrapha” by Charlesworth from Yale University Press, available in https://www.logos.com/product/5746/old-testament-pseudepigrapha and https://www.logos.com/product/5734/anchor-yale-bible-reference-library. There was a recent discussion about Pseudepigrapha resources in the forums (https://community.logos.com/forums/p/90736/631457.aspx), so you may be better served by asking those users for recommendations. Disclaimer: I'm just a software developer at Faithlife, I don't have any expertise in this area. I'm not pointing out this resource as an endorsement or sales pitch, but rather as a fellow student enjoying this course :)
      2. It's a little bothersome that I'm 3 minutes into the course, and have already encountered 2 required readings and 2 suggested readings from additional resources not in my base package, but available for only $200 more. Three of the resources I already own in either print or WORDSearch versions. The other I'll just pretend I've read...
        1. Thanks for the feedback. I responded to a similar comment in the Mobile Ed. forum. Here's the link: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/89151.aspx
        2. This sounds like a pretty common complaint. May I suggest a solution our seminary professors made use of? Since most of the required/additional reading is not the full text of the volumes cited, but merely articles or "clippings" relevant to the subject at hand, make pdfs available of just those specific parts of the texts, and it will accomplish two objectives: 1. It will make the information readily available for students/course participants, and; 2. It will offer previews of resources we will want to consider adding to our library in days ahead. Both objectives will be beneficial for participants and for Logos, and will make the experience more enjoyable (translate: less frustrating) for all.