• I recently started attending a course to assist me with a paper I am writing on Leviticus for my seminary studies. Dr. Sklar, who is an excellent instructor, poses thought-provoking questions such as "What would it look like if we had to live as many laws as possible?" Although I am unsure if I would have the courage to attempt living according to the law for a week, I plan to contemplate this question throughout the course, particularly as it relates to moral purity and impurity. Is anyone still active in this course? Maybe we could chat about it. Thanks!
    1. I have recently started this course study. As the Lord has been placing on my heart to further study, practice and teach (Ezra 7:10); the burden to know more of Christ Jesus from the OT has led me to this course study. The next course I am praying the Lord will grant me to study is Hebrews. Consequently, a real good understanding of this book is of immense value. Thus far it has far exceeded any expectations! Dr. Sklar, in my opinion, is an in-depth and clear presenter of the text. The love Christ has for him and the love he has for his KING and SAVIOR JESUS is evident. Thus far what really stands out; what we should not lose focus on is where this book fits in the Pentateuch. It is in the middle. As pointed out the Jewish people have already been redeemed by holy GOD. Now, before they proceed further, GOD is showing them how HIS people truly act/represent HIM. This is towards HIMSELF, the community and to the other nations. In other words: GOD'S redeemed people are expected to act redeemed in every aspect of their lives and relationships regardless of where and who it is. If anyone else is taking this course and wants to engage...I'm in. However, I do have a few things on my plate so responses may not be immediate or in a couple of days. Grace and peace saints. Glory to GOD! Worthy is the LAMB!
      1. Hi , IS there anyway wherein we can download the pdf format study notes of the lecture . Thanks in advance
        1. No. If you are referring to the transcript it only exists as a Logos resource.
      2. Hello, are there any schedules for completing this course. For example a 20 day or monthly, and so forth. Thanks in advance for your input.
        1. We don't have any pre-built, but you can use the Courses Tool to set up your own schedule or set up a reading plan for the course.
        2. THanks Miles. I'LL do as you suggested. Again, thanks for the quick reply. God Bless! :)
      3. 6/10/2019 I'm starting this today. I am planning on teaching a class on Leviticus in preparation of doing a class on the Lord's Supper. God Bless to All! :)
        1. I agree. I just started it today and had no idea of the meaning and significance of what is in this book. I feel so privileged to be taught by Dr. Sklar, one with such a depth of understanding of the book.