Pigeon River Church May 1, 2022
We express our love for God by worshipping Him together, introducing people to Jesus, nurturing God's family, and serving in obedience to Christ.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.

Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.

Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sunday Mornings

The Doctrines Series

Welcome & Prayer

Hymns of Worship

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 29:10-13

Message: Pastor Dave Maurer

"The Doctrine of God"


Songs of Worship

Mission Moment: Hygiene Kits

Live stream sign-off

Sharing and Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn



11 am Sunday School Opportunities

  • Children - Classes ages 2-5th grade in the basement
  • Youth - c/o Zach Sopczynski in the youth room
  • Adults - Two options
  1. Quarterly format studying "God Frees & Redeems" Lesson 9 c/o Tom Beachy and Brent Maust. (Conference Room)
  2. Sermon Reflection Class based on the book, Do You Believe? c/o Dale Ackerman


  •  Packing Hygiene Kits for MCC after the worship service. A basket will be available to donate money toward the cost of the contents.
  • 5 pm Girls of Grace will meet in the youth room.
  • 6:30 pm Youth meeting
  • 7 pm Gospel Echoes Concert

Mark your calendars for VBS on July 25-29. Helpers are needed for our morning sessions. The theme this year is "Passport to Peace". More details to come. Contact Rhonda Buehler if you have questions.

Couples are invited to the Ackerman's for a time of fellowship Sunday, May 15 at 7 pm.

On May 4th you are invited to join the group that is interested in learning more about helping refugees. MCC has taken this need seriously and provides resources for churches that have a passion to help those who are seeking a safer place to live. Come at 6 pm if you would like to watch the recording of an earlier webinar. At 7 pm there will be a discussion and discernment time. Please be in prayer about how we can help.

Ministry Chairpersons meeting on Thursday, May 5th @ 7 pm.

TTLM (Top of the Thumb Leisure Ministries) has two opportunities:

  1. Part-time summer work for post-high school-college students interested in working with children's ministry.
  2. Becoming a "campfire host" at Sleeper State Park one or two times during the summer.

Contact Barry Maust if interested in either of these opportunities.

Enjoy a week at Camp Amigo while also volunteering with Mennonite Disaster Service. This July, MDS offers the Family Program, a 4 or 5 day summertime experience for the whole family. 

During your stay for the Family Program, your family will enjoy the beauty, and serenity of the Amigo Centre and participate in age-appropriate maintenance and building projects on the property in response to a storm that hit in August 2021. 

Check out the brochures at the welcome desk for upcoming summer events at Bay Shore Camp.

Financial Report for Pigeon River Ministries as of March 31, 2022: Offerings $63,286, Expenses $79,672, Balance $-16,386 (loss)

Offering Today: Safe Place/Celebrate Recovery - You can mail in your donation. Our online giving portal is on our website You can also check out how easy it is to set up giving through the Faithlife app or text. Simply text the word “GIVE” to (989)217-8181. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.

Offering next week: PR Ministries

Worship Leader this week: Marie Maust

Worship Leader next week: Dale Yoder

Fellowship Greeter this week: Cliff & Marie Maust

Fellowship Greeter next week: Jill Champagne

Pastoral Care this week: Staff

Pastoral Care next week: Gerry Swartzendruber

Nursery this week: Kim Good & Luke Good

Nursery next week: Madilyn Horton & Maggie Maurer

Prayers for the local church

· Parenting small group members to be empowered to be godly examples in their home

· Health Concerns/Situations

· Grief Share attendees to find healing and comfort in their loss

· Sue Swathwood's recovery from gall bladder surgery

· Fred Wilson - pneumonia, healing for collar bone & transition to Long Term Care

· Freda Maust to gain strength as she recovers at home & Barry as he provides care for her

· Judy Carlson - hospitalized with sepsis and pneumonia

· Shammah ministry attendee, Marquis - wanting to recover from his additctions

· Pastor Bill - time with his Dad


· RURedE? ministry as they reach teens for the Gospel


· Russia & Ukraine War and the daily tragedies being experienced

· Prayers for the Supreme Court Justices & the decisions for the unborn