Pigeon River Church February 26, 2023
We express our love for God by worshipping Him together, introducing people to Jesus, nurturing God's family, and serving in obedience to Christ.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.

Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.

Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays

Lent 1

Welcome & Prayer

Songs of Worship

Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:1-11

Message: Pastor Dave Maurer

  "Testing the Son" 


Hymns of Worship

Live stream sign-off

Sharing and Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn



11 am Sunday School Opportunities

  • Children - Classes ages 2-5th grade in the basement
  • Youth - c/o Pastor Bill Eberly in the Youth room
  • Adults - 
  1. Quarterly format studying "From Darkness to Light" Lesson 13 "Results of the Call" c/o Brent Maust (Conference Room)
  2. Balcony class - c/o Denny Weidman. Session 2 of the study on Right Now Media - Haggai: Building God's Church.


  • Mennonite Youth Choir practice, 1:30 pm
  • Girls of Grace @ church & Boys Club @ Lyle Gascho's, 5 pm

In April, and May we plan to hold a Parenting study: "The Art of Parenting" by Dennis & Barbara Rainey (A Family Life Resource). If you'd like to participate or would like more details, contact Pastor Bill by March 19th.  

Grief Share is beginning this Tuesday evening, February 28, at 5:30 pm. Do you know someone who has lost a loved one who could be helped by this support group? Flyers are available on the Welcome Center for you to share. Contact Marie to register.

The Faithfully Fit are getting more healthy physically and spiritually. Check out their progress on the fellowship hall display. The warriors are ahead on completing their spiritual goals while the Temples continue to lead on both weight loss and exercise. Keep up the good work!

Greetings from the sunny state of Florida. (that wasn't very nice of me!!!)I'm planning to resume choir rehearsals on March 8. That will give us 4 rehearsals before Palm Sunday. See you on the 8th. ~Debi Ackerman

On March 5th, there will be a time of sharing and saying farewell to Wayne and Gerry Swartzendruber during our fellowship time. Be prepared to put your thoughts into a “scrapbook” that will be provided. Maybe you have a photo or poem that is meaningful to share with them.

Ladies!! Mark your calendars for a Ladies Game Day on March 12 from 3-5 pm. Please bring your favorite game and a snack. Drinks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there.

The Thumb Prays is the name of a group desiring to cover our area with prayer. The Goal of The Thumb Prays is to develop a prayer network across the thumb area that will provide a Canopy of prayer that is Unified, Strategic and Sustainable. If you would be interested in being a part of this please see the sheet at the Welcome Center. The idea is to have time slots of 30 minutes or 1 hour on a particular day. Area churches and faith-based organizations will also join in this effort to have each month, every hour of each day covered.

Winter isn't over yet! Book readers, we have another book if you are interested. Please sign up at the welcome desk to get a copy of Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney. The discussion meeting date has not been set yet. Contact Dale Ackerman if you have questions.

Cross Mom2Mom Sale and Bake Sale is Saturday, April 15th, 2023 from 9am-Noon at Cross Lutheran School. Admission is $3. If you would like to rent a table please contact Rebecca Yackle at 989-551-8022 or becca_jean_1999@yahoo.com. (Direct Sales / Vendors and Crafters are welcome).

Our printed version of the church directory is only updated once a year. Whereas our digital version stays current. If you are not signed up on our Instant Church Directory please let Emily know. There is a sign-up sheet available at the Welcome Center if you would like a printed version.

Stephanie Segroves is looking for an interested person to play the part of Jesus in the Easter drama. Contact her ASAP.

Offering Today:  PR Ministries  - You can mail in your donation. Our online giving portal is on our website You can also check out how easy it is to set up giving through the Faithlife app or text. Simply text the word “GIVE” to (989)217-8181. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.

Offering next week: PR Ministries

Worship Leader this week: Barry Maust

Worship Leader next week: Dale Yoder

Fellowship Greeter this week: Tonya Karpovich

Fellowship Greeter next week: Denny & Debbie Weidman

Pastoral Care this week: Staff

Pastoral Care next week: Tom & Karen Beachy

Nursery this week: Kayleen Allred & Mariam Shupe

Nursery next week: Nicole & Daniel Shupe

Prayers for the local church

· Participants of the DivorceCare support group meeting weekly

· That God will revive us again and breathe into us life and purpose that we may all live a fulfilled life.

· Health Concerns/Situations

· Doug Henne and family as they mourn the death of Gaylee

· Leslie Eberly's sister in law, Gretchen & babies health

· Carol Troyer - recovery from surgery in nursing home

· Those in our community in difficult relationships

· The Fred Wilson family

· Renee Schneider's friend passing away

· Wayne & Gerry - transition to assisted living and moving outside of our community

· Judy Carlson and her family

· Nancy Swartzendruber's family with the passing of her mother

· Swathwood family - unspoken request


· RI - Thailand - Jacob & Dani-Pray for Jacob as he continues to work towards his master’s degree. Ask for wisdom and good time management as he works on assignments and finishes the teaching year. Pray also that the son of Jacob’s colleague would receive healing from migraines.

· MSU - turn the shooting tragedy into good


· Food crisis around the world

· Earthquake in Turkey - families who have lost loved ones & humanitarian aid to those who have lost a place to live.

· War in Ukraine/Russia