We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.
Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.
Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays
Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
Hymns of Worship
Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:1-26
Message: Pastor Dave Maurer
“Mark It Up! Galatians 5"
Songs of Worship
Offering: Sharing Fund
Celebrating Communion
Opening Words
Prayer of Preparation
The Lord’s Prayer (trespasses)
Words of Institution
Unison Prayer HWB #786
Partaking of the Elements
Live stream sign-off
Sharing and Prayer
Closing Hymn
11 am Sunday School Opportunities
- Nursery will be offered for children up to age 4 during the Annual Celebration. The primary age children will be combined into one Sunday school class and meet in the Youth room. Youth will be assisting in childcare and class.
- Adults - Please meet in the Fellowship Hall for the Annual Church Celebration.
- Help us celebrate as a church family how God has directed our paths in 2023 by staying for the all church potluck after the meeting.
Youth Baptism Class: Interest has been expressed for a youth baptism class. Any youth (6th grade- 12th grade) who would like to be baptized should contact Pastor Dave by Feb 1st to express interest and discuss possible class schedules and baptism dates as early as May 26th.
The Faithfully Fit are doing well. This week the Temples are leading in weight loss having lost 1.56% of their body weight already. The 3 R's surged ahead in exercise this week. All teams are doing a great job of meeting their spiritual goals. This week all the 3 R's who reported accomplished their spiritual goals! Please report on your progress for week 3. Even if you don't meet your goal, the work you do will help your team.
If you have been a member of the Adult choir that meets on Wednesday evening you can pause until March 6th. Please enjoy that time to attend the Bible Study group that meets or help in the nursery.
Pastor Bill will be providing leadership for the next series of DivorceCare sessions coming in February. Contact him for details.
Next Sunday starts our Winter Bible School series with Mike Baker and Jerry Sauder from Rosedale International. The theme is "The Highs and Lows of Living Missional as a Church and Individual." A sign up sheet is available at the Welcome Desk for you to sign up to host our speakers for a meal.
The Mennonite Youth Choir participants are invited to the all church practice sessions 1:30-3 pm on the following dates: Jan. 28, Feb. 4,11 & 25. Questions? contact Leslie Eberly. Festival details are March 2 & 3 2024, Berne IN.
Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.
Worship Leader this week: Dale Yoder
Worship Leader next week: Pastor Dave
Fellowship Greeter this week: Lynn & Brenda Maust
Fellowship Greeter next week: Cliff & Marie Maust
Pastoral Care this week: Staff
Pastoral Care next week: Diane Wilson
Nursery this week: Madilyn & Wesley Horton
Nursery next week: Leslie & Rebekah Eberly
Scripture Passage Next Week: Deut 6:4-9
Prayers for the local church
· Upcoming Winter Bible School, & Everence Seminar
Health Concerns
· Dale Ackerman - recent diagnosis of prostate cancer, upcoming treatments
· Debi Ackerman - granddaughter Sayge w/ need of housing
· Ken Dietzel - recent acquaintance newborn son w/ health concerns
· Judy Dietzel - Aunt Barb surgery; Judy's knee
· Linda Deming - Ed Scoviac with colon cancer
· Matthew McIntosh's sister, Jennifer - treatment for cancer
· Brian Simmons complete recovery
·Dave Arsenault - niece accepted Jesus & need for strength
· Denny & Deb Weidman's friend - Lindsay Abraham health concerns
· RI - West Africa-Audrey -Pray for continued physical healing from an old injury as well as good conversations and connections between nurses, day crew, and patients. Pray that Sierra Leone would experience Emmanuel and the peace that he brings.
· War in Ukraine w/ Russia
· War in Israel/Gaza - hostage release & peace for Jerusalem
Click the link to see our activities coming up.