Pigeon River Church February 4, 2024
We express our love for God by worshipping Him together, introducing people to Jesus, nurturing God's family, and serving in obedience to Christ.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.

Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.

Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays

Welcome, Announcements & Prayer

Hymns of Worship

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:1-26

Message: Pastor Dave

“Mark It Up! Galatians 5b"   


Songs of Worship

Live stream sign-off

Sharing and Prayer

Closing Hymn



11 am Sunday School Opportunities

  • Children - Toddler thru 5th grade classes in the basement
  • Youth - c/o Zach Sopczynski in the Youth room
  • Adults - 
  1. Bilingual Connections c/o Esther Prisciliano, Sewing Room
  2.  Quarterly format studying "Faith that Pleases God" Lesson 9 "Faith & Transformation" c/o Brent Maust Conference Room
  3. "He Chose the Nails" a Lenten study by Max Lucado - c/o Pastor Dave - Balcony



  • Coffee orders are due today!
  • Ladies Game Day, 3-5 pm in the fellowship hall. Please bring your favorite game, and a snack to share. Drinks will be provided.

Book reading group: We will be starting to read a new book coming in February. It is called Counter Culture: Following Christ in an anti-Christian age by David Platt. Sign up at the Welcome Desk to have a book ordered for you. Suggested donation $10.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training: Free for adults who desire to help youth with mental health needs. This event will be Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024 9:00 AM For registration please email info@mentalhealthtrainingconsultants.com.

Housekeeper Position: As was shared at the annual celebration, Kim Swartzendruber has indicated that she is moving toward retirement from her position as housekeeper at Pigeon River. We are deeply thankful for all of her work and flexibility in keeping our building clean and inviting. The elders are beginning a process of filling this position. If you or someone you know would be interested in being considered for the position, please contact Pastor Dave or one of the elders.

The Faithfully Fit are now one month into their three month challenge. They continue to make great progress in meeting their spiritual, exercise and weight loss goals. This week the 3R's edged ahead of the other teams in exercise with over 40 total hours of exercise for the ten people who reported. Right now, the 3 R's are leading in the total number of spiritual goals completed with nine of them accomplishing their goals this week. The 3 R's are also leading in the weight loss category. The team lost over 50 pounds which is 2.3% of their total body weight.  

Seniors Just Want To Have Fun!

All Seniors (65+) are invited to the 1st Senior Event of 2024. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 24 from 2-5pm. We will play games, eat snacks, laugh and have fun!

Alternate date in case of inclement weather will be Sunday, February 25th from 2-5pm. 

A United Christians in Prayer service will take place on Sunday, March 3rd @ 3PM at the Community of Christ Church in Bay Port.  

Pastor Bill will be providing leadership for the next series of DivorceCare sessions starting on February 26th. See the link for more info and to register.

The Mennonite Youth Choir participants are invited to the all church practice sessions 1:30-3 pm on the following dates: today, Feb. 11 & 25. Questions? contact Leslie Eberly. Festival details are March 2 & 3 2024, Berne IN.

Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.


Worship Leader this week: Barry Maust

Worship Leader next week: Pastor Bill

Fellowship Greeter this week: Jon & Kim Good

Fellowship Greeter next week: Cliff & Marie Maust

Pastoral Care this week: Staff

Pastoral Care next week: Denny & Deb Weidman

Nursery this week: Kim & Luke Good

Nursery next week: Maggie Maurer & Danna Correa

Scripture Passage Next Week: Galatians 6

Prayer Needs

Prayers for the local church

· Everence Seminar in March

Health Concerns

· Darrel & Lynette's family as brother in law, Barry passed away from cancer

· Dale Ackerman - recent diagnosis of prostate cancer, upcoming treatments

· Frank Deming's mother in the hospital

· Judy Dietzel - balance issues

· Linda Deming - friend - cancer has returned; Ed Scoviac with colon cancer

· Dale & Phyllis's son, Tyler/Kendra w/ foster daughters adoption

· Matthew McIntosh's sister, Jennifer - treatment for cancer

· Brian Simmons complete recovery

· Dave Arsenault - niece - need for strength & health to return

· Dave & Alyssa Maust - spend time in a CA w/a family program

· Karen Beachy, Dennis & Bear Swartzendruber's family w/ passing of their sister


· RI - Nicaragua-Larry & Dot -Pray for them as they reach the end of their stay in Nicaragua and feel the weight of many connections. Lift them up as they travel to visit a pastor at the end of his life, and pray for his family during this time.


· War in Ukraine w/ Russia

· War in Israel/Gaza - hostage release & peace for Jerusalem

· NFL Super bowl game & the related sex trafficking that occurs


Click the link to see our activities coming up.