We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.
Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.
Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays
Pre-Service Song
Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
Greet Your Neighbor
Songs of Worship
Children's Story
Youth Promotion
Mission Moment: Everence
Hymns of Worship
Scripture: Mark 12:13-17
Message: Pastor Dave Maurer
“Counter Culture: The Gospel & Religious Liberty”
Closing Song “The Jesus Way”
Back to School Blessing
Livestream Sign-off
Sharing and Pastoral Prayer
11 am Sunday School Opportunities
- Children - Toddler thru 5th grade classes in the basement
- Youth - c/o Zach Sopczynski in the Youth room
- Adults -
- Bilingual Connections - c/o Esther Prisciliano, Sewing Room
- Quarterly Lesson 13 - "Devoted to Good Works" c/o Brent Maust, Conference Room
- Sermon Reflection - "Counter Culture: The Gospel & Religious Liberty", Fellowship Room
- Blood Pressure clinic, 11 am, Nurse's office and Church office
- Final Summer Campfire - c/o David Arsenault, Duane & Elaine Maust, Bay Port Park, Promenade St. Bay Port. Son's Life Church from Sebewaing has been invited to attend.
Next Sunday, Pigeon River will have two services. One at Covenant Hills for those camping and one at PRMC. You are welcome to attend the service at Covenant Hills at 10:30am and join them for a potluck meal following the service. No Sunday School for children or youth at PRMC.
Have you lost a loved one or know someone who has? At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind. The next GriefShare 13-week series will be held here September 3 at 12-2 pm. Lunch is provided to participants. Pick up a flyer at the welcome center. Please register with Marie Maust.
The Back to School Carnival will be September 4, from 5-7 p.m. at the church. We will be needing many volunteers to run the carnival games; there will be a sign-up form at the Welcome Desk if you would like to sign up to work during the carnival. Also, we are hoping to have some bigger carnival prizes for the children again this year and will be accepting donations of these prizes (examples include things like basketballs, footballs, super soakers, remote control cars, etc.). We will need these prizes by Sunday, September 1st; there will be a table in the foyer for these donations. If you have any questions, please contact Leslie Eberly or Jenna Maust.
The Adult Sunday School series in the balcony will be led by Dale & Debi Ackerman, starting September 8th. In this six-session video Bible study from RightNowMedia, bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio unpacks Psalm 23 to offer insight into how to overcome the enemy's lies and find peace and spiritual security in any circumstance or situation. The title is "Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table".
The Nurture Ministry is looking for your help for our fall programming. We are in need of children's SS teachers, children's Wednesday night teachers/caregiver and a Potluck meal coordinator. If you are willing to help, contact Emily Maust. Wednesday evening programming starts Sept. 11. More details to follow.
You are invited to attend Scott Kingsley's wedding ceremony & reception to Amy on September 21 at 2 pm. The reception is following the ceremony at their new residence, 654 Volz Ct. Sebewaing, MI.
Attention Parents: The Bible Memory sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center for another year of teaching our kids to hide God’s Word in their hearts! Please sign them up today! If you would prefer to use a Bible Memorization App please indicate that on the sign-up sheet.
Mark you calendars! September 8, 2024 @ 4:30 pm. End of Summer - Concert Event - Fundraiser sponsored by First UMC and Owendale UMC. All donations at this event will go to fund the Community Food Pantry of Pigeon. The musician is Michael Emshwiller he is a talented and gifted musician and a good friend and fellow bandmate of Deb Sturm. Please invite and inform your members and visitors to plan on attending this great event. The Community Food Bank of Pigeon needs financial support as we have expanded our vision, where we help with car repairs, rent, and utilities, to name a few. Thank you in advance for supporting this excellent community mission. If you have any questions, feel free to call or text (313) 820-9258 or email d.leineke@hotmail.com
Ladies Bible Study will resume on Sept. 11th. The study, When You Pray will be 7 weeks meeting 9 am - 10:30 am. If you plan to join please order your book thru Lifeway. There are spanish texts available. Contact Emily Maust if you have questions.
Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.
Worship Leader this week: Barry Maust
Worship Leader next week: Barry Maust
Fellowship Greeter this week: Cliff & Marie Maust
Fellowship Greeter next week: Tom & Karen Beachy
Pastoral Care this week: Diane Wilson
Pastoral Care next week: Staff
Nursery this week: Kim & Luke Good
Nursery next week: Darci Horton
Prayers for the local church
· Pastor Bill - wisdom & guidance as he transitions to half-time to Pineview in Vassar.
· College Students as they leave for the year; K-12 students & teachers as they return
Health Concerns
· Eldy Voelker - healing & cancer treatment
· Darrel Yoder - nerve pain in shoulder due to shingles
· Gladys Maust - continued healing/strength; new cancer diagnosis
· Brian Simmons & family- relief of pain in his leg, 100% healing
· RI - East Africa, Luke & Gloria - Pray for a smooth transition as the farm where Luke works gains a fully new staff. Ask that the team could quicky build trust with these new employees, and ask God to bless their land restoration efforts.
· Community Food Pantry of Pigeon
· People affected by the war in Ukraine/Russia
· People affected by the war in Gaza/Israel/Lebanon
· Our nation in the upcoming elections; that, we, the people turn to God in these uncertain times
Click the link to see our activities coming up.