Pigeon River Church October 13, 2024
We express our love for God by worshipping Him together, introducing people to Jesus, nurturing God's family, and serving in obedience to Christ.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.

Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.

Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays

Pre-Service Song

Welcome, Announcements & Prayer

Greet Your Neighbor

Songs of Worship


Hymns of Worship

Scripture:  Acts 3:1-16   

Message: Pastor Dave

"What I Have I Give You…”


Missions 101 Video

Mission Moment: RI Reach  c/o  Jared Chase 

Livestream Sign-off

Sharing and Pastoral Prayer



11 am Sunday School Opportunities

  • Children - Toddler thru 5th grade classes in the basement
  • Youth - c/o Jared Chase in the Sanctuary
  • Adults - 
  1. Bilingual Connections - c/o Esther Prisciliano, Sewing Room
  2. Quarterly Lesson 7 - "A Plea for Deliverance" c/o Brent Maust, Conference Room
  3. "Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table" c/o Dale & Debi Ackerman, Balcony

Please note: Your are invited to join the youth in the sanctuary for an additional session with Jared Chase during Sunday school.


Today -

  • Please join us in celebrating Pastor Appreciation for Pastor Dave between church and Sunday School with some sweet treats. Bring a card to personally show your appreciation, in case you forgot there will be some available.
  • Blood Pressure Clinic, 11 am -Nurse's office & church office
  • Gifts Discernment Ministry Interest Form due. Click this link to fill out today.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Class to be offered. See the bulletin board for more details. The first date offered is November 15th.

Mark your calendar for the Youth Auction, December 4th! Are you working on any "crafty" items yet, or creative ways your talents can be donated for this ministry? Contact Pastor Bill if you have questions.

We will celebrate and show our appreciation to Pastor Bill on Wednesday, October 16, at the potluck (6 pm) with some more sweet treats. If you would like to bring a card, feel free to do so on Wednesday for him. Please keep both of our pastors and their families in your prayers.

The Huron County Safe Place is having their appreciation banquet on November 7th @ 5:30 pm. You are invited to attend this event being held at the Franklin Inn in Bad Axe. Please RSVP by Nov. 1 to 989-269-5300.

Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.


Worship Leader this week: Dale Yoder

Worship Leader next week: David Shupe

Fellowship Greeter this week: Lynn & Brenda Maust

Fellowship Greeter next week: Denny & Debbie Weidman

Pastoral Care this week: Weidmans

Pastoral Care next week: Beachys

Nursery this week: Emily Maust & Julia Shupe

Nursery next week:

Scripture next week: Luke 15:1-10

Prayer Needs

Prayers for the local church

· Men, Meat the Messiah outreach - 12/14/24, w/speaker, Mike Tison

· Hospitality Ministry

Health Concerns

· Silas Maurer's friend as his family is dealing w/ grandfather's health

· Eldy Voelker - healing and strength during his treatments

· Lynn & Brenda's great niece/husband's accident

· Brian Simmons - Praise for healing for his leg, less pain this week

· Pat Yoder - cancer treatments


· RI - Mediterranean, Jamie & Hazel -This team’s plans to open a home for marginalized women have recently stalled. Pray for a word of wisdom from the Lord about the project’s future.

· MDS - fin


· People affected by the war in Ukraine/Russia

· People affected by the war in Gaza/Israel/Lebanon

· Our nation - election, openness to Holy Spirit’s voice speaking God’s truth

· Those affected by the Hurricanes both in Mexico and US


Click the link to see our activities coming up.