We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.
Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.
Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays
Pre-Service Song
Welcome, Announcements & Prayer
Greet Your Neighbor
Songs of Worship
Hymns of Worship
Scripture: Philippians 1:12-30
Message: Pastor Dave
"Mark It Up! Philippians 1d"
Mission Moment: YFC c/o Will Spicer
Live Stream Sign-off
Sharing and Pastoral Prayer
11 am Sunday School Opportunities
- Children - Toddler thru 5th grade classes in the basement
- Youth - c/o Zach Sopczynski in the Youth Room
- Adults -
- Quarterly Lesson 9 - "The Lord is Praised" c/o Brent Maust, Conference Room
- "Creation Study" Session 12 in the video series by Stephen Armstrong, Balcony c/o Emily Maust
- Bilingual Connections - c/o Esther Prisciliano, Sewing Rm.
- Mennonite Youth Choir practice, 12:30 pm
- Boys Club at Lyle Gascho's, 5 pm
The Faithfully Fit are making progress on their goals for better physical, spiritual, and mental health. This week both teams exceeded their Movement Goals! The 3R's are slightly ahead on all three goals but this week the Warriors did better in all three categories and are catching up. Check out the reports on the wall in the Fellowship Hall.
The special Grief Share event - Loss of Spouse will be on February 11, @ 5:30 pm. The next 13-week series of Grief Share will begin on March 4th @ 5:30 pm. Contact Marie Maust for either of these two events.
Come out to support Jason and Jenna Maust for an adoption fundraiser and enjoy a taco bar. The fundraiser will take place at PRMC on February 22nd from 4:00-7:00. All donations given will go toward adoption fees through Bethany Christian Services and baby necessities.
Ladies, please mark your calendar for next Sunday, February 2 for games in the afternoon, 3-5 pm
Next Sunday, February 2nd your coffee orders are due.
Positive Alternatives has a matching gift opportunity. Every dollar will be matched up to $100,000. This is your chance to make a tremendous impact for the women, children, and families they serve. This is available thru March 31. Here is the online link.
There is a sheet on the bulletin board for more details.
The Men's reading group has a new book for the winter. It is The Watchmakers Daughter by Larry Loftis. It is a true story of the WWII heroine Corrie Ten Boon. Sign up at the Welcome Desk.
Prayer cards have been placed in the pew racks. Please complete the card and place it in the offering plate. Prayer requests will be announced at the sharing time each Sunday.
Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.
Worship Leader this week: Dale Ackerman
Worship Leader next week: Marie Maust
Fellowship Greeter this week: Denny & Debbie Weidman
Fellowship Greeter next week: Ken & Judy Dietzel
Pastoral Care this week: Staff
Pastoral Care next week: Weidman's
Nursery this week: Sandy Gnagey & Evelee Simmons
Nursery next week: Jeannie Gascho & Silas Maurer
Scripture for next week: Philippians 2:1-30
Prayers for the local church
· Worship Ministry - Planning for events that promote an environment of drawing closer to God.
Health Concerns
· Bob McIntosh who has transitioned to hospice care
· Cliff Maust
· Pat Yoder
· Debi Ackerman - grandson having seizures
· Tanya - Ukrainian friends and loved ones in the war
· Frank - cataract surgery in 2 weeks
· Pastor Bill - complete healing
· RI - West Africa, Audrey -Continue to lift up the children of Cheshire Children’s Home; pray that they would experience the love of “God with us” as Audrey spends time with them every Monday.
· People affected by the war in Ukraine/Russia
· People affected by the war in Gaza/Israel/Lebanon/Syria
· Our country as a new leadership transitions
Click the link to see our upcoming events.