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  •  — Edited

    Quiet Time Ministries announces a special guest study by Ray Vander Laan, In The Dust Of The Rabbi LIVE Special Ray Vander Laan Guest Study — Interactive Discussion by Catherine Martin. "During his ministry in Israel, Jesus called and trained disciples, His 'talmidim.' Their job would eventually be to bring His message of redemption to all the nations, Jew and Gentile. What would happen when they began to make disciples of their own and the gospel began to spread to a Greek and Roman world, to cultures completely unfamiliar with the God of the Jews? Follow the rabbi through Israel and Turkey as you explore what it meant to be the message of Jesus to all nations." • Title — In The Dust Of The Rabbi — LIVE  • Subtitle — Learning To Live As Jesus Lived  • Schedule — April 13, 2023—May 18, 2023  • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM  • Style — Inspirational Video Messages by Ray Vander Laan  • Discussions — 6 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin  • Buy The Book — $19.99 + S&H&Taxes  https://store.focusonthefamily.com/that-the-world-may-know-06-in-the-dust-of-the-rabbi-guide/ • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required  https://quiettime.org/idr-live.html *****Amazon Book Reviews*****  Highly Recommend - Great Study!  Passionate, compelling study of our mission as Christians  Vander Laan marries Scripture, Archaeology and History once again to inspire the Disciples  It is a gift for us to be able to learn about the culture that our Savior lived in.
    1.  — Edited

      Quiet Time Ministries announces Trusting In The Names Of God AQTE LIVE Would you like a deeper, more intimate relationship with God? You can discover who He is, what He does, and what He says as you uncover the meaning behind the names of God in the Bible. Each name reveals something new and special about God and the relationship He wants to have with you. The key is to meet with God daily in prayerful quiet time. Join Hagar as she meets El Roi, the God who sees, and personally experience His powerful presence in your life. Walk with Joshua as he meets El Hay, the Living God, and watch Him meet every challenge with His mighty strength. Follow Jeremiah into difficulties as he meets Yahweh Tsidkenu, the Lord our righteousness, and rejoice in your spiritual riches made possible by Christ. You’ll find short, inspirational selections from great devotional writers, Scripture verses to look up and reflect on, thoughtful questions inviting your response, prayer starters, and more. • Title — Trusting In The Names Of God — A Quiet Time Experience — LIVE  • Subtitle — Who He Is, What He Says, What He Does  • Schedule — January 12, 2023—March 09, 2023  • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM  • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin  • Discussions — 9 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin  • Buy The Book — $19.99 + S&H&Taxes  https://quiettime.org/tngaqteaqte.html • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required  https://quiettime.org/tngaqte-live.html David Jeremiah .org — Online Resource Library, Book Previews "Trusting In The Names Of God: A Quiet Time Experience by Catherine Martin … Individuals, casual groups of friends, church congregations, and even families looking for a meaningful daily devotion will all find this book and its discussion questions a compelling invitation to wholeheartedly seek God and trust in His every name.”
      1.  — Edited

        Quiet Time Ministries announces Run Before The Wind LIVE God desires for you to live fully in His magnificent power — the power of the Holy Spirit. As an alert, humble, and teachable seafarer, you will run before the wind, catching the wind of the Holy Spirit in your sails, anticipating all of life in His power. As you spend eight weeks exploring guided devotions inspired from the book of Acts, you will discover the excitement of the abundant life made possible by the Holy Spirit.  • Title — Run Before The Wind — A Quiet Time Experience — LIVE  • Subtitle — Truth From Acts To Enjoy Life In The Spirit  • Schedule — September 29, 2022—December 01, 2022 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM  • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin • Discussions — 9 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin  • Buy The Book — $19.99 + S&H&Taxes  https://quiettime.org/rbwaqte.html • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required  https://quiettime.org/rbw-live.html Cynthia Urbanowicz — Amazon Book Review “Catherine Martin is a gifted study writer bringing the most complex scripture ideas to life with her gentle leading through Old and New Testament. She makes clear and simple the meaning and application of each Biblical idea. This study is both simple and straightforward for the newest believer, while having plenty of depth and meatiness for more deeply studied believers. Catherine chooses solid commentators to illustrate her points, such as Sproul, Spurgeon, Tozer and FB Meyer. This study helps lead believers to a deeper understanding AND relationship with the Triune God, most pointedly by understanding the Holy Spirit.”
        1. Quiet Time Ministries announces Revive My Heart LIVE So often the busyness and uncertainty of life crowd God out, leaving us with barren hearts. Truly joyful, abundant life is possible only one way — through personal spiritual revival. In Revive My Heart, author Catherine Martin presents nine weeks of daily personal devotions that will challenge you to experience the depths of God, His ways, and His character through prayer and consistent study of His Word. Through these daily quiet times you can gain spiritual depth, joy, and access to your heavenly Father’s resources in times of trouble. • Title — Revive My Heart — Quiet Times for the Heart — LIVE • Subtitle — Satisfy Your Thirst for Personal Spiritual Revival • Schedule — June 23, 2022—September 01, 2022 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin • Discussions — 10 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin • Buy The Book — $19.99 + S&H&Taxes https://quiettime.org/rmhqths.html • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required https://quiettime.org/rmh-live.html Dr. Bill Bright, Founder of Campus Crusade for Christ International “This outstanding devotional book will help you know Him better. It has been a great honor to have served the Lord with Catherine Martin when she was associated with Campus Crusade for Christ, and I am deeply moved by the remarkable things He has done in her life since then and the wonderful insights God has given her on this important subject.”
          1. Amen Lin. I, also, keep going deeper into the Lord and His Word, I get so excited as I see the Lord taking me into a deeper experience with Himself and verses popping up with deeper meaning, sometimes just a word of a verse fills me with wonder and awe of WHO HE is!!!!!! What an amazing Journey it is to walk with Him, to hear Him speak and immediately surrender to His Word, praising Him all at the same time. What an amazing God He is to us, for us, through us to share the radiance of His Life into the world around us. Thank you , sweet Lin, for sharing what He is doing in your life. Love you , my dear sister.
          2. I love the name 'Little Butterfly,' Lin. You are in the spirit of that butterfly fluttering around the garden of grace in God's Word. I want to assure you that although you sense you don't feel the wonder, the Lord is and will continue to meet you in that place you find yourself with Him by His Spirit and in His Word. Revive My Heart will do this for all of us -- we will all be experiencing personal revival these next few weeks as we journey together. You are growing as I, Lin. We are taking flight with Him through these very challenging days and the wonder of Him is found in the little things -- when we are touched by His mercy and grace and love in the innermost places of our mind and heart. It is when we apply the oiling balm of Scripture. Our God is there watching over us and sustaining us with every breath we take. When we run to God, our body will glow with health and our very bones will vibrate with life (Proverbs 3:8). Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:20). I love you, Lin. Merciful Father touch my sister in Christ, I pray.
          3. Lin you are that wonderful little butterfly and such an incredible blessing. I love you and it is such a joy to study God's Word together.
        2. Quiet Time Ministries announces Walking With God In The Desert—LIVE. Special Ray Vander Laan Guest Study — Interactive Discussion by Catherine Martin, Online Bible Studies "Throughout the Bible, the desert functions as an image of discord, of loss of control, and of separation from the safety of society. Many times God led His people through the desert, where they learned that they would have depend on His provision for all of their needs. What are the difficult places in your life, the moments of loss and pain that can seem impossible to survive? Find God in your deserts as you travel through Sinai, Paran, Zin, the Negev, and the wilderness of Judea." Title — Walking With God In The Desert — LIVE • Subtitle — Experiencing Living Water When Life Is Tough by Ray Vander Laan • Schedule — April 07, 2022—May 26, 2022 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM • Style — Inspirational Video Messages by Ray Vander Laan • Discussions — 9 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin • Buy The Discovery Guide Book — $12.99 + S&H&Taxes • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required https://quiettime.org/wgd-live.html ***** 5 Star Amazon Book Reviews *****
          1. Catherine, I am so very excited for this study. I got my book a couple months ago and this study is "for such a time as this," I cannot believe all that is going on around me and in the people I know, their lives, all kind of issues. For myself, I ask for prayer for financial issues and others have great health needs. A girl I babysat in the 60's was having her first child, and he had to be delivered early, only weighs 1lb 11 ozs. She developed preeclampasis earlier this week and was sent to UVA in case they had to deliver early to save her and the baby. Her name is Morgan and her baby boy is in NICU for some time. He was delivered yesterday March 24. So, so excited for this study...
          2. I look forward to seeing where our Lord will take us sojourners next --- appears to be Israel, the land where Jesus walked. :)
          3. An update on Morgans preemie baby boy, He is anemic and in need of a blood transfusion, he would be 30 weeks in the womb but had to be delivered early, He also seems to have an infection of some kind, so they started that tiny 2 lb now baby on an antibiotic. Please continue to pray for him Morgan would be devastated if God took him home, she has tried for 10 years with no success, then God blessed her. Kielan is the babys name Thanks so much
        3. Quiet Time Ministries announces Walk On Water Faith—LIVE. God desires for you to experience a glimpse of the spectacular — the power of faith in Him. As an alert, humble, and teachable sojourner, you will discover power in the promises of God, anticipating all of life in His power. As you spend eight weeks exploring guided devotions inspired by heroes of faith from the books of Hebrews, the Gospels, and Romans, you will learn to run your race by faith not sight, attempting things well beyond your own strength. Title — Walk On Water Faith — LIVE • Subtitle — Discovering Power In The Promises Of God • Schedule — January 13, 2022—March 10, 2022 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin • Discussions — 9 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin • Buy The Book — $19.99 + S&H&Taxes • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required https://quiettime.org/wowf-live.html ***** Amazon Book Review ***** Thank you Catherine, I am grateful for this chance [to study Walk on Water Faith], divinely connected to your ministry. ... God bless you. — Rose, Women of Worship, Kenya, Africa
          1. I very much look forward to it, Cath! God bless you. :)
          2. I have done this one on my own, 2 times . So excited to do it with the group. I was hoping this would be your next one. Thanks Catherine
        4. Quiet Time Ministries announces Passionate Prayer AQTE—LIVE. As you pray your way through seven heartfelt psalms, you will experience rich times of adoring God for who He is and what He’s done, making confession and being renewed, thanking God and seeing His response, making requests and receiving the things you need, and crying out to God in wilderness times. Title — Passionate Prayer — A Quiet Time Experience — LIVE • Subtitle — Go Deeper — and Higher — in Prayer • Schedule — October 14, 2021—December 16, 2021 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin • Discussions — 9 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin • Buy The Book — $14.99 + S&H&Taxes • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required https://quiettime.org/ppaqte-live.html ***** Amazon Book Review ***** “Passionate Prayer: A Quiet Time Experience by Catherine Martin is hands down the most powerful, life-affecting book I have ever read in my life (next to the Bible, of course). It’s a companion volume to Passionate Prayer: A 30–Day Journey, and they can be read together, but I chose to read them consecutively to extend my time in Martin’s wonderful writing. I can’t begin to tell you all the spiritual breakthroughs I had while reading this book. Martin has a wonderful heart for God; any reader will be blessed by this book.” — Christina Lockstein, Christy’s Book Blog
          1. Today was an exciting time with the women -- all of us desire Passionate Prayer. May we practice "first of all" in these coming weeks and in all things. I am humbly grateful to be part of this ministry and hear what Christ is doing in all of our lives. Praying in Jesus Name.
          2. It was so good to see all these Sweet Sisters today. Really looking forward to this study and going deeper with God in prayer.
        5. Quiet Time Ministries announces A Woman’s Heart That Dances— LIVE. Our dance with the Lord permeates every aspect of our life. And in every situation, whether easy or hard, good or bad, simple or difficult, the Lord wants to dance with you. Our Lord is extending His hand, inviting you to lean in to His embrace and let Him lead, fulfilling His plan and purpose in your life. Title — A Woman’s Heart That Dances — A Devotional Journey • Subtitle — Keeping In Step With God’s Design For You • Schedule — June 24, 2021—September 23, 2021 • Design — Weekly Online LIVE Video Event @ ZOOM • Style — Live Inspirational Messages by Catherine Martin • Discussions — 13 Interactive Sessions with Catherine Martin • Bonus — A Woman’s Heart That Dances Study Guide PDF • Buy The Book — $12.99 + S&H&Taxes • Buy The Event — $50.00 All Sessions Registration Fee Required https://quiettime.org/awhd-live.html From the Foreword by Ney Bailey, Author & Speaker “…this book encouraged me to dance on the inside in my own relationship with the Lord. Just as I have been, I believe you will be drawn into A Woman’s Heart That Dances and will experience a closer, more intimate relationship with Jesus.” — Ney Bailey, Author of Faith Is Not A Feeling