RBC is a family of faith that exists to worship God with joy, to love our neighbors, to see transformed lives, and to send and be sent for the spread of the gospel, through Jesus Christ.

If this is your first visit, we're glad you found us. We pray the Lord's blessing upon you today as you worship with us and we'd love to get to know you better.  

Visitor? New Address? 

Let's us know by filling out the "Let us get to know you!" section at the bottom of the page.

Information for Families with Children

Worshippers in Training

For children (K - 5th grade) remaining in the sanctuary for worship...


Nursery is available (in Building 500 - across the parking lot) for children up to four (4) years old or as your family has need during corporate worship.

Need Practical Help?

If you have a question, would like to discuss today's sermon, or would like to pray with someone, and Elder will be at the front or back after the worship service....