Richvale Church
Joulotta 2019
  • Joy To The World (Antioch)
  • Silent Night (Stille Nacht)
  • Good Morning and Merry Christmas!!
    I want to take just a few minutes to talk about the wonder of Jesus...
    Wonder is this emotion when we sense or feel something rare or unexpected… Creation causes us to Wonder… When you see something in nature that just takes away your breathe…
    Wonder is the emotion we have when we experience something that is rare or unusual..
    Sometimes Wonder is unplanned.. like that feeling you get on one of those star lit evenings when you look up into the vast expanse of the sky…
    Or just driving home and you are greeted with an incredible sunset… Pam has often reminded our family that every-time we see a sunset we need to remember How much God loves us… and these amazing sunsets are pretty common arround Richvale and we get to see just how much God loves us!!
    Just driving back into Richvale and seeing the beauty of the Sunset… cause us to wonder… Wonder gives us a sense of something is Greater than us…
    \like that feeling on one of those star lit evenings when you look up into the vast expanse of the sky… Or just driving home and you are greeted with an incredible sunset…
    Pam has often reminded our family that every-time we see a sunset we need to remember How much God loves us… and these amazing sunsets are pretty common arround Richvale and we get to see just how much God loves us!!
    These beautiful scenes take your breathe away…
    There is unplanned wonder, but there is also planned wonder...
    … I remember the sense of awe I felt the first time our family drove into Yosemite national Park and seeing the Al Caption. It was breath taking...
    Sometimes there is planned wonder…Several years ago we went to Yosemite National Park… Even though there was some expectations and anticipation --- nothing could quite prepare us for seeing this amazing valley that is crowned with the Spectacular Al Caption. It was breath taking...
    A few years ago we went to Yosemite National Park… It was planned wonder...We went with expectations and anticipation of enjoying the outdoors ---… but nothing could quite prepare us for seeing the amazing sights of this beautiful valley that is crowned with the Spectacular Al Captain and half Dome. Again, It was breath taking...
    nothing could quite prepare us for seeing this amazing valley that is crowned with the Spectacular Al Caption. Again, It was breath taking...
    … Wonder gives us that sense that there is something in front of us that is much larger and much Greater than us…
    Just driving back into Richvale and seeing the beauty of the Sunset… cause us to wonder… Wonder gives us a sense of something is Greater than us…
    Just driving back into Richvale and seeing the beauty of the Sunset… cause us to wonder… Wonder gives us a sense of something is Greater than us…
    … Wonder gives us that sense of something Greater than us…
    There are all kinds of things that can cause us to have Wonder.. Sometimes we can loose our Wonder...
    I remember the first time seeing a Red Wood… huge towering trees… that have existed on the planet for some 3000 years....Just driving back into Richvale and seeing the beauty of the Sunset… cause us to wonder… Wonder gives us a sense of something is Greater than us…
    When I mention Mona Lisa, The Scream, and the Impression, Sunrise, what comes to mind?
    When I mention Mona Lisa, The Scream, and Impression, Sunrise, what comes to mind? If you thought, “They’re all famous paintings,” you’re correct. They actually have a couple of other things in common.
    If you thought, “They’re all famous paintings,” you’re right. They actually have a couple of other things in common.
    The first is that they’re all considered to be tremendously valuable—you might even call them treasures of art.
    The second thing is that the originals were all at some point stolen.
    Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century. In 1911, a museum worker walked out the Louvre with the Mona Lisa under a piece of his clothing..
    He later expressed that he thought the masterpiece belonged in Italy instead of France. Two years later, the thief was caught trying to sell the painting.
    [1] The Scream by Edvard Munch was painted in the early 1900s. In 2004, The Scream was ripped off a museum wall by armed robbers. Fortunately, it was recovered and restored.
    [2] Impression, Sunrise was painted by Claude Monet in the late 1800s. In 1985, armed robbers stormed the Museum in Paris and took the painting. It was recovered by French police five years later.
    Either lost or stollen.. The other day, Searched everywhere… Started cleaning… picking up every surface… When Pam got home — the house looked amazing…
    Every year there is this Christmas rush— there is so much happening… And to be honest in the business of everything it is east to loose the true meaning of Christmas… And the real treasure of Christmas can be stolen out from under our feet..
    And the real treasure of Christmas can be stolen out from under our feet.. What I love about this Julotta is it take time to Pause… to back into manger and have another look.. The point of Christmas, after all, is that God came to dwell with us so that we could dwell with Him forever.
    What I love about Julotta is that it is Planned wonder…We have come together this morning to Pause… to go back to the manger and to have another look… it's planned wonder.. but I tell you the more you look at Christ the more spectaulcar it gets...
    Over the past few weeks this sermon series the Cast of Christmas and retelling the Story… Every Gospel writer take on a different perspective of life and ministry of Jesus....Matthew and Luke go into great detail into the narrative and events surrounding the birth of Jesus…Mark actually skips the story all together and begins with the ministry so John the Baptist…
    The point of Christmas, after all, is that God came to dwell with us so that we could dwell with Him forever.
    Wonder gives us that sense that there is something in front of us that is much larger and much Greater than us…
    Over the past few weeks we have been in this sermon series entitled the Cast of Christmas and we have retelling the story of the Birth of Jesus..
    It is so interesting that Every Gospel writer takes on a different perspective of life and ministry of Jesus....
    Both Matthew and Luke go into great detail into the events surrounding the birth of Jesus…Mark actually skips the story of Jesus birth all together and begins with the ministry so John the Baptist…
    All who visited Jesus were full of wonder in the presence of Jesus the King.… The shepherds rejoiced and retold the story the Wisemen fell down prostrate before the King…
    We have been in this sermon series the Cast of Christmas and on Sunday we talking about the Magi that brought these expensive Gifts of Gold, Frankensense and Myrrh these were expensive gifts…
    Over the past few weeks this sermon series the Cast of Christmas and retelling the Story…
    John on the other hand --- give us — the greatness of love and grace of Christ.
    John gives us a totally different prospective... John Description is really this Hymn of matchless greatness of Christ… the greatness of love and grace of Christ.
    John on the other hand summarizes Jesus Birth in 5 short verses… these five Verses have been said to be so weighty and staggering that it seems that the words almost seem to bend under the weight they are made to bear...
    When the Magi they came seeking after Jesus they walk into the Room immediately they saw Jesus… they recognized immediately his Lordship… and the prostrate themselves before the King… The give these kingly gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh…
    Then there is the account of John — and his account of Jesus Birth is sumarized in just 5 verses..
    You know that when you are looking at it your breath is taken away… That sense that comes with wonder… We all had those experiences.. where you look up at the night sky and you realize how small you are… the grand Canyon… we had the Victoria falls… all these are
    That give us the ‘Wonder of Jesus.” It been said that what John says here is this text is so weighty and staggering that it seems that the words almost seem to bend under the weight they are made to bear...
    Let’s Read the text…
    John 1:1–5 ESV
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
    The first Thing that Causes John Amazement was...

    1. The Wonder of His Person.

    When John examines the Manger Scene He looks past the Babe in swaddling clothes.. He looks past the apparent weakness and frailties that comes with infancy. When John looks at Christ.. He see God Himself ... … What He sees is Jesus in his preexistence as the Eternal Word
    Everyone of us celebrates a Birthday…a begining a start… But John tells us that Jesus never actually had a birthday.... because existed way before His Birth —
    But Jesus existed outside of time and space...
    Jesus existed with God from the beginning —
    looks at Christ in the Manger… What He sees is Jesus the eternal Word… Jesus existed with God from the beginning —
    Jesus existed with God from the beginning —
    Jesus is the pre-incarnate Word - or principle of all life.. who lived outside of time and space... that the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit all existed together in eternity part...
    Christ who live outside of time and space... that the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit all existed together in eternity part...
    John tells us that there never has been a time when Christ was not… He all was… and existed....... The word “was”..... This is writen in the Greek imperfect tense, which speaks of continuance..
              As we are closing in on Christmas, I wanted to remind you of what an amazing and precious treasure the first Christmas brought. As our planning, preparation, and commitments reach a fevered pitch in these last few days before the holiday, I don’t want the real treasure of Christmas to be stolen out from under you. The point of Christmas, after all, is that God came to dwell with us so that we could dwell with Him forever. As John reminds us in the first chapter of his Gospel, the “Word was God . . . [and] the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (verses 1, 14).
    So our verse reads like this
    “In the beginning was the continuing Word, and the Word was continuing with God, and the Word was continually God.
    … Jesus Christ is preexistent.and He always was continuing.... past present and future..
    “Jesus always was wasing!” That is precisely it. Jesus Christ is preexistent. He always was continuing....
    The first thing that caused John wonder is he person of Jesus… The second thing that caused john amazement is ...

    2. The Wonder of the Works of Jesus

    Not only was Jesus from the Beginning but Jesus was the Architect of all things… John tells us that
    3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
    In other words there is nothing in all of creation that exists without His finger prints… His hand is upon all of creation..
    “all things were made through him, and without him was not anything that was made.
    The apostle Paul
    Colossians 1:16 ESV
    16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
    Colossians 1:16–17 ESV
    For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
    Not only is he the Creator of the macrocosms of the universe, but also of the microcosm in the inner universe of the atom.
    He holds the atom and its inner and outer universe together — Without Him the whole system comes crashing down..
    This should give us hope...We can trust such a God with everything. Because he is Creator, he knows just what his creation, his people, need.
    We can trust such a God with everything. Because he is Creator, he knows just what his creation, his people, need.
    It was said of Charles Steinmetz, the mechanical genius and friend of Henry Ford, that he could build a motor in his mind, and if it broke down he could fix it in his mind. So when he designed it and actually built it, it ran with precision.
    One day the assembly line in the Ford plant broke down. None of Ford’s men could fix it, so they called in Steinmetz. He tinkered for a few minutes, threw the switch, and it started running again.
    A few days later Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000. Ford wrote back, “Charlie, don’t you think your bill is a little high for just a little tinkering!”
    Steinmetz sent back a revised bill: “Tinkering—$10. Knowing where to tinker—$9,990.”
    Wonder of the Works of
    We can rest assured that..
    Only Jesus knows where the tinkering should be done in our lives to keep us in perfect running order. Christ always knows which screw to turn, which belt to loosen, and the most beneficial octane.
    John wondered at the Person and Works of Christ…and lastly John was amazed.

    3. The Wonder of the life of Jesus

    It is interesting that life and light go together in the scripture....John speaks about life over 50 times in his writings.. life and light are center of the Christmas message..
    Christ is described as light and life..
    When the angels give the birth announcement to the shepherd we are told that that Glory of the Lord shone all around…
    These angels were in the very presence of God worshiping day and night…They were simply reflecting the Glory of God…
    The shepherds experienced unplanned wonder… suddenly the angels burst on the scene..
    The Shepherds saw the reflection of the glory of God..
    But what John tells us --- is that what they saw in the Manger… was the light of all lights..
    is Jesus himself is the light..…He is the source of all light and lights in the Universe..
    These angels were in the very presence of God worshiping day and night…They were simply reflecting the Glory of God…But what John tells us --- is Jesus himself is the light..…
    John 1:4 ESV
    4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
    John 1:4–5 ESV
    In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
    In 2006 I got to travel to Bangalore India and do some missions work… One evening we were going to preach in some villages… and at one point we had leave the cars and walk to the village… It was the darkest night you could imagine.... but on the horizon was one Paraffin light… I had no idea of what was around me and the pastors held my arms and help guid me to the light...
    Preaching the Word: John—That You May Believe Eternally Creator

    Not only is he the Creator of the macrocosm of the universe, but also of the microcosm in the inner universe of the atom. The text in Colossians explains that he holds the atom and its inner and outer universe together (“in him all things hold together”).

    We can trust such a God with everything. Because he is Creator, he knows just what his creation, his people, need. It was said of Charles Steinmetz, the mechanical genius and friend of Henry Ford, that he could build a motor in his mind, and if it broke down he could fix it in his mind. So when he designed it and actually built it, it ran with precision.

    One day the assembly line in the Ford plant broke down. None of Ford’s men could fix it, so they called in Steinmetz. He tinkered for a few minutes, threw the switch, and it started running again.

    A few days later Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000. Ford wrote back, “Charlie, don’t you think your bill is a little high for just a little tinkering!” Steinmetz sent back a revised bill: “Tinkering—$10. Knowing where to tinker—$9,990.”

    Only Jesus knows where the tinkering should be done in our lives to keep us in perfect running order. Christ always knows which screw to turn, which belt to loosen, and the most beneficial octane.

    He is our Creator. Are you resting in him? Have you entrusted your life to him? Considering the greatness of Christ, nothing else makes any sense at all.

    “In him was life; and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness” (vv. 4–5). There is ample Scriptural evidence that Christ is light in a physical sense, for he appears as such in his glory.
    But the emphasis here is on his being spiritual, life-giving light to a dark world.
    The Greek term used for “life” is zoe; it is always used to describe the divine, eternal life in the Gospel of John. Jesus used this specific term during the Last Supper when he told his disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:6).
    Christ gives physical life to all. But he also gives eternal life to all those who believe in him. The Greek term used for “life” is zoe; it is always used to describe the divine, eternal life in the Gospel of John. Jesus used this specific term during the Last Supper when he told his disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:6).
    Life Application New Testament Commentary God Became a Human / 1:1–18 / 2

    Christ gives physical life to all. But he also gives eternal life to all those who believe in him. The Greek term used for “life” is zoe; it is always used to describe the divine, eternal life in the Gospel of John. Jesus used this specific term during the Last Supper when he told his disciples, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (14:6).

    This is what I think that John is getting at in this verse… that even though there is darkness in this world… Christ light is continues light...
    Preaching the Word: John—That You May Believe Light Revealed

    Christ is described as light: “In him was life; and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness” (vv. 4–5). There is ample Scriptural evidence that Christ is light in a physical sense, for he appears as such in his glory

    But the emphasis here is on his being spiritual, life-giving light to a dark world.
    John 1:9 ESV
    9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.
    Verse 9 reveals that all humanity benefits from his light: “The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.”
    Where light goes, darkness is dispelled, revealing the true nature of life.
    God’s light continually shines in the darkness,.. the psalmist says
    For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.
    This is the great theme of John’s Gospel—perceiving, ‘seeing’ and understanding. Light” is the word in John for revelation. “Life” in John is the word for salvation.
    This is the great theme of John’s Gospel—perceiving, ‘seeing’ and understanding. Light” is the word in John for revelation. “Life” in John is the word for salvation.
    Psalm 36:9 ESV
    For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.
    Here is the thing about life and light… It can be rejected.. But John tells us that those who received him.. receives his life and light…
    Then John tells us that those who received him.. receives his life and light…
    John 1:12 ESV
    12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
    John 1:13 ESV
    13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
    Preaching the Word: John—That You May Believe Light Revealed

    Where light goes, darkness is dispelled, revealing the true nature of life. No place with the slightest crack can withhold its presence. “The light shines in the darkness.” Literally, this means it shines continually in the darkness, meaning that Christ is continually bombarding every corner of our hearts of darkness through the work of his Holy Spirit in nature, conscience, and the Scriptures.

    Julotta is about celebrating the light… as we came into building close enough dawn… we remember that we are to leave in the light of his presence.
    Here is the thing about life and light… It can be rejected.. But John tells us that those who received him.. receives his life and light…
    John 1:12 ESV
    12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
    Preaching the Word: John—That You May Believe Eternally Creator

    Not only is he the Creator of the macrocosm of the universe, but also of the microcosm in the inner universe of the atom. The text in Colossians explains that he holds the atom and its inner and outer universe together (“in him all things hold together”).

    We can trust such a God with everything. Because he is Creator, he knows just what his creation, his people, need. It was said of Charles Steinmetz, the mechanical genius and friend of Henry Ford, that he could build a motor in his mind, and if it broke down he could fix it in his mind. So when he designed it and actually built it, it ran with precision.

    One day the assembly line in the Ford plant broke down. None of Ford’s men could fix it, so they called in Steinmetz. He tinkered for a few minutes, threw the switch, and it started running again.

    A few days later Ford received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000. Ford wrote back, “Charlie, don’t you think your bill is a little high for just a little tinkering!” Steinmetz sent back a revised bill: “Tinkering—$10. Knowing where to tinker—$9,990.”

    Only Jesus knows where the tinkering should be done in our lives to keep us in perfect running order. Christ always knows which screw to turn, which belt to loosen, and the most beneficial octane.

    He is our Creator. Are you resting in him? Have you entrusted your life to him? Considering the greatness of Christ, nothing else makes any sense at all.

    Some times we plan wonder and sometimes it is unplanned.. But the Wonder of Jesus will never disappoint us...
    The point of Christmas, is that God came to dwell with us so that we could dwell with Him forever
    The point of Christmas, is that God came to dwell with us so that we could dwell with Him forever.
    As we close.. we are going to show this video.. take time to enjoy the wonder of the manger.
    As John reminds us in the first chapter of his Gospel, the “Word was God . . . [and] the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (verses 1, 14).
    [2] Kat Eschner, “The Mysterious Motives Behind the Theft of ‘The Scream,’”, August 22, 2017,
    [3] Associated Press, “A Stolen Monet Goes Back on Display,” New York Times, April 17, 1991,
  • Go Tell It On The Mountain