• Welcome to Springfield Baptist Church's Faithlife group! If you are a member of our church family, please join this group so that we can stay in touch with you and keep you informed!
  • Join us for a special Christmas Candlelight Service On Saturday, December 24th.
    1. This Thursday, September 22nd is the start of the SBC Women's Bible Study!! We will meet in Room #3 (with the coaches) at 1:00pm. All women are welcome to join us. Also, you may bring a friend.
  • Not sure who's primarily responsible for the great-looking new website. I'm guessing either Bob K., Pastor Dave, or Rogelinda, though with many talented people in the church, I could be wrong), but it's really an attractive design with all kinds of interesting items that a church website should have. Praying that many people will visit SBC because of it. If I wasn't a member already and not living in Lancaster County, I'd be there! Congratulations on a really good website design and content.
    1. Bob, thank you for the encouragement. This was primarily Marie Danenhower and Pastor Dave. I just tweeted it a bit. Please offer any advice you think would make it better and more, “seeker friendly”.
    2. I didn’t “tweet” it, I tweaked it. Spell checker thought it know better.
    3. That's OK, Bob. Easy to make that mistake. We can be thankful that Spell Check is the modern equivalent of the eraser at the other end of a pencil. I've used both (a lot)!