July 31, 2022
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)
Sermon: “Praising God for Victory"

Psalm 57NKJV

Order of Service


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

*Hymn 301 My People give Ear, Attend to My Word.

*Salutation and Invocation

Hymn 549 Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts

We Confess our Christian Faith

Heidelberg Catechism #83-85

Congregational Prayer

*Hymn 50 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Scripture Reading and Text: Psalm 57

Sermon “Praising God for Victory

   Prayer (concluded with Lord's Prayer in unison)

Hymn 400 Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing

(Tithes & Offerings Collected)



  • We welcome to our pulpit today Rev. James Grossmann from Eureka RCUS in South Dakota. May God bless his ministry of the gospel to our hearts today.

  • Fellowship time will be held after service today, which will be an opportunity to meet Pastor Grossmann, a potential candidate for our congregation.

  • Thank you to all of those contributing their time and donations to this year’s Covenant Church Camp. It is truly neat to see the helping hands of our congregation come together to make such a memorable event possible. Church Camp is a time where many of God’s children strengthen their faith as well as their friendships with each other - something we could not have done without your help. Kayla Shillcox
Sermon Outline

“Praising God for Victory”

Psalm 57

Theme: God's People Take Shelter in Him in the Midst of Lions, Praising Him Before the Victory.

  1. Our Trust is in God, Our Refuge is in Him - v. 1a-1b
  • A. God be Merciful to Me - v. 1a
  • B. I Make My Refuge Under the Shadow of Your Wings - v.1b

2. Crying to God from Among Lions - vv. 1c-6

  • A. I Will Cry Out to God Who Reproaches My Enemies
  • B. Exalting the God Who Turns Their Traps Against Them

3. Singing God's Praises before the Battle is Won - vv. 7-11

  • A. Singing God's Praises - vv. 7-9
  • B. God's Glory is Greater Than This Universe - vv. 10-11