April 19, 2020
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

Isaiah 12:1-3NKJV

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Hymn 505 All the Way My Savior Leads Me

Salutation and Invocation

We Confess our Christian Faith:

           Heidelberg Catechism #40-44

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Reading: Romans 11:33-36

Text: Isaiah 12:1-6

Sermon “The Song of the TULIP

Prayer of Application

(concluded with the Lord’s Prayer)

Hymn 704 Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross

           (Tithes & Offerings -Reminder to send in mail – Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church, 6524 Hwy C, Manitowoc, WI 54220)




Please keep in touch with each other through the week. Don't hesitate to call each other up through the week.

You can use the new Faithlife digital discipleship and sharing tool. If you need help or have questions about it, see the pastor and/or the welcome email.


to all those who helped cleanup the church property yesterday. Many hands made light work, and it was a real joy to see one another in person again.


--For the Consistory and Spiritual Council in their meeting this week. May God grant them wisdom to shepherd the congregation for His glory in these times.

--For our pregnant mothers, Kayla Shillcox and Brittany Bockelman, who anticipate giving birth within the next month or so. We pray God will keep them health and safe, and that God will bring great joy to us all as these little ones arrive.

The Song of the "TULIP"

Isaiah 12


Isaiah shows us how to use the doctrines of "TULIP" – in hymns of praise.

1. Praising God because of Total Depravity

2. Praising God because of Unconditional Election

3. Praising God because of Irresistible Grace

4. Praising God because of Limited Atonement

5. Praising God because of Perseverance of the Saints