May 10, 2020
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

Galatians 4:19NKJV

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Hymn 87 Holy, Holy, Holy

Salutation and Invocation

We Confess our Christian Faith:

           Heidelberg Catechism #51-52

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 23:22-25

Text: Galatians 4:17-20

Sermon “The Relentless Motivation of Motherhood

Prayer of Application

(concluded with the Lord’s Prayer)

Hymn 521 Tell Me the Old, Old Story

          (Tithes & Offerings -Please send in mail – Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church, 6524 Hwy C, Manitowoc, WI 54220)




Please keep in touch with each other through the week. Don't hesitate to call each other up through the week.

You can use the new Faithlife digital discipleship and sharing tool. If you need help or have questions about it, see the pastor and/or the welcome email.


We praise God for all the mothers in the congregation today, and for our mothers who are not with us but their example and love for us has continuing effects. We pray as well for those mothers who need extra assistance in our area though ministries like the Crossings crisis pregnancy center. Instead of collecting donations through ‘baby bottles’ this year, please see this video for an update on the ministry and on easy ways for you to donate.


PRAY for Roger Luckow who was hospitalized briefly last week, and for his wife Ann Luckow who is continuing cancer treatment. May God grant them each peace and strength of heart and body in the days ahead.

PRAY for Keith Sorensen, who went home from the hospital only to return a few days later with a new bowel obstruction related to his colon cancer. May God grant him healing so that he can return home soon.

PRAY for the preparations for Synod of the RCUS in one week. Both our pastor and Elder Larry Stock were selected to attend on behalf of our Classis (3 ministers and 3 elders from each Classis will attend). May God grant them wisdom as they study the reports and prepare for their role in leading the RCUS and its congregations through these challenging times.

The Relentless Motivation of Motherhood

Galatians 4:17-20


Paul’s concern for the Galatians teaches us the relentless motivation of spiritual motherhood.

1.      Relentless, because of others’ false teaching (verse 17)

2.      Relentless, because of your foolishness (verse 18)

3.      Relentless, until Christ is formed in you (verses 19-20)