May 17, 2020
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

Romans 13:1-7NKJV

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Hymn 26 Our God, Our Help in Ages Past

Salutation and Invocation

Hymn 454 My Faith Looks Up to Thee

We Confess our Christian Faith:

           The Apostle’s Creed

Congregational Prayer

Hymn 580 When Peace Like a River

Scripture Reading: Psalm 146

Text: Romans 13:1-7

Sermon “Submitting to God’s Ministers

Prayer of Application

(concluded with the Lord’s Prayer)

Hymn 491 Jesus Calls Us, O’er the Tumult

          (Tithes & Offerings – collected at the door on your way out)




WELCOME BACK! We praise God for the gift of worship, and the gift of fellowship and gathered, in-person worship from our exile over these past 8 Sundays. Let us remember in prayer all who have lost health, life, jobs, financial security, special milestone celebrations, and many other things during this time period. Let us continue to be careful and wise as we go forward in the coming weeks. And let us remember in prayer our own shut-ins and those who are vulnerable or sick and unable to join us yet.

Please join us back here on Thursday night at 7 pm for our annual Ascension Day worship.

Continue to pray for the Crossings Crisis Pregnancy Center. Instead of collecting donations through ‘baby bottles’ this year, please see this video for an update on the ministry and on ways to donate.


PRAY for Roger Luckow and family, as Ann passed away suddenly this week. A memorial service will be held at a future date. May God grant us all peace as we mourn with those who mourn in the hope of eternal life for those with faith in Jesus.

PRAY for Keith Sorensen, who is recovering at home now from his recent hospitalizations.

PRAY for the work of the Synod of the RCUS this week. Both our pastor and Elder Larry Stock were selected to attend on behalf of our Classis (3 ministers and 3 elders from each Classis will attend). May God grant them wisdom as they study the reports and prepare for their role in leading the RCUS and its congregations through these challenging times.

Submitting to God’s Ministers

Romans 13:1-7


God commands us to submit to civil rulers.

1.      Where do the authorities come from?

2.      The spiritual nature of civil obedience

3.      The duty of civil authorities – as God’s ministers

4.      What if God’s ministers aren’t submitting to God?