August 16, 2020
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

Joshua 8NKJV

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

*Hymn 315 God Himself is With Us

*Salutation and Invocation

Hymn 34 All That I Am I Owe to Thee

We Confess our Christian Faith

Heidelberg Catechism #83-85

Congregational Prayer

*Hymn 674 Holy Bible, Book Divine

Scripture Reading and Text: Joshua 8

Sermon “The Blessings of Obedience”


Hymn 700 Trust and Obey

(Tithes & Offerings – collected at the door on your way out)




    After the doxology today, please be seated for a brief update from our local Gideon’s International Bible Distributors. Let’s remember to pray for the work of Bible distribution as well.

Pray for the Consistory and Spiritual Council as they meet this Tuesday. May God bless them as they shepherd the congregation in Christ’s name.

Men’s Bible Study will meet tonight at 6 for a time of fellowship around God’s Word. Please join us!

Young People will meet next Sunday evening for a time of Bible Study and fellowship. 

“The Blessings of Obedience”

Joshua 8


The LORD blesses Israel’s obedience with victory at Ai.

1.    Helping His People Fight (verses 1-26)

2.    Providing His People’s Needs (verses 2, 27)

3.    Cursing His Enemies  (verses 28-29)

4.    Renewing Covenant Blessings (verses 30-35)