Sunday Bulletin
January 15, 2023

John 8:1-11ESV

We all have guilt, whether we have acknowledged it or not.

In guilt we have fallen short of the standard. In shame we have fallen short of the vision. 

In guilt we feel bad for what we have done. In shame we feel bad about who we are. 

Freedom is releasing guilt and shame in Jesus name!


Romans 8:15–16, Romans 8:26–27, Romans 8:1 ESV

Read Romans 8

Read Psalm 130

• Do you find it easier to extend God’s grace to other people or receive it personally?

• We all have voices (some in our heads or from our past) that tell us who we are. How can these negative voices drown out what God wants to affirm about you through his Spirit?

• Which of the following works of the Spirit are most important to you right now to live the life God intended for you: Convicting you of sin, reminding you God is father, groaning for you in God’s presence, guiding you toward God’s predetermined plan for your life?

• What is one lie that Satan is telling you about yourself that you need to reject? And what is one truth God is telling you about yourself that you need to accept?