Sunday Bulletin
February 5, 2023

Matthew 6:25-34ESV

Matthew 6:33 ESV

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 

PUT GOD FIRST and He Can add                           else.

Matthew 6:24

WHEN I PUT GOD FIRST… It                             my capacity for negative emotions. 

Matthew 6:25-32, Philippians 4:6

WHEN I PUT GOD FIRST… It Increases my Capacity For _____________ Else.


Matthew 6:34 Matthew 6:9–15


Winning the War in Your Mind (Groeschel)

Get Out of Your Head (Jennie Allen)

The Worry Trick: How Your Brain Tricks You into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do About It (David A. Carbonell, PhD)

Read Philippians 4:6 out loud as a group.

Read Matthew 6:24-34 out loud as a group.

  1. What are your observations about worry from the bible verses?
  2. How have you seen worry debilitate people’s performance?
  3. What would you say are the things people worry about the most? (List them and then either estimate or actually Google the probability of each).
  4. How is worry and indication of a lack of faith? (FAITH is Active Trust and Belief Displayed Through Obedience.)
  5. Which of the steps to reduce worry have been most effective for you? Would you add others?