St. Peter's/San Pedro Episcopal Church
Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 3, 2022


The Liturgy of the Word


Processional              King of Glory, King of Peace             Hymn 382


A Penitential Order, Rite II                                                  BCP, 351

Lord have mercy upon us                                                 Hymn S91

The Collect of the Day                                           Lectionary Insert


Old Testament Lesson, Isaiah 43:16-21

The Psalm, Psalm 126

Epistle, Philippians 3:4-14

Sequence Hymn      Take up your cross, the Savior said  Hymn 675

Gospel, John 12:1-8

Sermon, Father Nathan


The Nicene Creed                                                               BCP, 358

The Prayers of the People                                                    Insert

The Peace



The Holy Eucharist

Offertory              I sing the almighty power of God   Hymn 398

Eucharistic Prayer A                                                            BCP, 361

Sursum corda


The Lord’s Prayer                                                                BCP, 364

The Breaking of the Bread                                              BCP, 364

Agnus Dei                                                                        Hymn S158

Holy Communion

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Gluten-free wafers are available, please ask at the altar if you need one. Anyone wishing a blessing in place of Holy Communion is encouraged to come forward and cross their arms at the altar.

Communion Hymn       Bless the holy name of Jesus                         

Post Communion Prayer                                                    BCP, 365

The Blessing

Recessional               I’m pressing on the upward way           Insert

The Dismissal 

Isaiah 43:16-21ESV

Psalm 126ESV

Philippians 3:4-14ESV

John 12:1-8ESV

Sisters and brothers, the Lord has done great things for us. With glad and thankful hearts, let us pray, “Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.”


Do a new thing in your Church, O Lord. From our dry places spring forth new life. Refresh your bishops, priests, and deacons. Refresh all Christians in their vocations.

Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.


Restore the dreams of those who have lost hope. Among the swift and varied changes of the world, be a strong foundation on which all can rely.


Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.


Give water in dry places. Remove the suffering of those who live with drought. Bring water, quench thirst, and give growth in desperate lands.


Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.


We pray, O God, for the poor. Be merciful to victims of theft. Restore the fortunes of those devastated by dishonest men and women. Never forget the lives of your poor.


Fix our hearts where joy is found;

Lord, hear our prayer.


Let those who sow with tears, reap with songs of joy. Fill down-turned mouths with shouts of joyful deliverance. Restore your people, O Lord. We especially pray for: For Ukrainians and The Ukraine, our  environment/nuestro ambiente, Evangelista, Maria Gonzalez, Jackie, Ted, Susan, Jon Paul, Michele and Nathan, Patrick, Isabel y familia, Soraida, Ana, Hadi, Theresa, Nancy, Diane, Florrie, Rosario Espinal, Eric, Melecia, Joyce and Alison, Elaine, Chila, Vitoriano, Xiomara, Kevin, Karley and their children, Nadia, Yvonne, Laurie, Sandy & Carl, Geoffrey, John, Ashley, Mary, Peter, Eleanor, Clarisa, Kelsey, Matt, David, Irene, Cosset Maria, Mara, Marangelis, Ennis, Albert, Linda, Aür, MaryBeth and Allison, Betty Ann, Corbin, Blanca, Gilberto, Emily, Lisa, Gretchen, Doña Ana, Maria Estela Rosa, Andy, Evelyn, Doña Consuelo, Don Félix, Bob, Bill and Geri, Elia y Glenn, Tony, Louise, Charlie, John, Susan, Maria, Courtney, Celia, Amy, Bill, Jacquelyn Maria and Johnnie Mae


Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.


O God, we long to know Christ and the power of his resurrection. Even as we share in his suffering, even as we die, may we, and all who die, attain the resurrection of the dead.


Fix our hearts where joy is found; Lord, hear our prayer.



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The sunflowers in front of the altar are given as a reminder to pray for peace and deliverance of the people of Ukraine. The sanctuary candle are given this month to the Glory of God in memory of Marian Nickson.

The Tower Lights are lit this month to the Glory of God in honor of the people of Ukraine and people suffering in all parts of the world.  

·      Office Hours this week: Tues-Fri 9am to 4pm.

·      Alcoholics Anonymous on Tues (7:30pm) and Friday (8pm). 

·      A multilingual contemplative service of Taizé will take place on Wednesday at 7pm. Please see the weekly email from St. Peter’s/San Pedro for the link.

·      Our Lenten Study: What is truth? Continues on Thursdays at 7pm online on Zoom. Please consult the weekly enewsletter for the link.

·      Not receiving our weekly email to know what’s planned at St. Peter’s/San Pedro? Please fill in a registration form located on the lectern at the entrance to the church and place it in the offertory plate or give to Fr. Nathan. We would be delighted to add you to our email list.

·      Ana Nuncio & Fr. Nathan are working to reestablish a biweekly Sunday School at St. Peter’s/San Pedro. If you would like to help or know of anyone who might join (parishioner’s children or not), please let us know. All area children are most welcome to this bilingual program.

Giving is easy at St. Peter’s/San Pedro!


Serving today                        Serving next Sunday at 9am

Acolyte: Vacant                    Acolyte: Vacant

Euch. Min.: Jinny Lavoie        Eucharistic Min.: Geneva Kelleher

Lector: Diane Hage               Lector: Irene Axelrod

Altar Guild: Deb Barber         Altar Guild: Holly Green


Additional liturgical volunteers are needed. 

Please see Fr. Nathan if interested in serving in this way. Thank you.