Trinity Missionary Church
March 5, 2023

Trustee of the Month

Garnet Lockwood 269-464-6459

Deacon of the Week

Laura Telsworth 269-506-8091

Parking Lot

Kevin Blankenship

Mark Treacher


Judy Wall

Connie Weaver

Welcome Table

Karen Rice 269.501.9880


Tim and Deb Schuetz

Children’s Church

Family Sunday


“A Long Walk to Victory”

Matt 4:1-2

by: Pastor Terry

WED: Prayer meeting 6 pm

SUN: Chili-Cook Off

Mar 17: Drop & Date night 6 pm

Mar 25: Ladies’ Bake Day @ Trinity 10:00 am


Sunday, March 12 is the Annual Chili Cook-off,

immediately following the service.

2 awards will be given:

1. Golden Ladle Award (Taster’s Choice)

2. Golden Ladle Award (Popular Vote, most cash votes)

Grand prize award will be a $25 dollar gift card.

All proceeds will go towards the MVP ministry events and E4 projects.

(Sign-up sheet located in lobby under the clock.)

Thursday mornings at 9:30 am

Meeting at Susan Neumayer’s home.

115 Jeremy St. Constantine

Studying: "Abigail; Living with the Difficult People in Your Life".

Next event is the Ladies’ Bake Day March 25th.

(Updated 03/02/2023)

Needed monthly to budget:           $9,916.00

Needed weekly:                                $2,289.00

Last week’s offering:                       $2,874.94

Y.T.D. INCOME:                               $13,906.44

Y.T.D. EXPENSES:                           $8,486.40

Please designate giving to the following: General Fund, Deacon Fund, Missions, Debt Elimination.


For in-person giving, offering

boxes are located near sanctuary doors.

For online giving, go to our website:  Click on the “Giving” button on the home page, choose “TMC Ministry Giving”, then choose your options. 

Any offering designated to “building fund” will be allocated to General Operations first. If the general operation needs have been met for the month, the remainder of the offering will be used as directed.

Please note that posting prayer requests on our Facebook page does not mean it is put on the Prayer Chain. Prayer Chain requests are to be called or texted to Deb Schuetz, 574-538-9790


We are placing a particular focus on

the gifts & offerings for the Constantine Food Pantry. We will emphasize this

community ministry on the 1st Sunday of each month, and connect it to our Family

Service. Be alert for the special focus expressions and prepare to share.