• UNYUMC Mens retreat September 9th and 10th at Casawago. More info to follow.
    1. Anyone who participated in the Lent Almsgiving mission project and has not taken your box to the ComeUnity Center, please bring them to church and I will deliver them. If you aren't able to bring them in, let me know and I'll come to your house. Blessings, Elaine Williams
      1. Are We Ready to Hand the Baton to our Church's Future?

        Billy Graham's Words of Wisdom:

        Q: Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but from time to time our church's music director introduces new songs into the service, and I don't care for them. I like the old hymns, and wish he'd just stick with them. Should I complain to our pastor?

        A: I know this has been a controversial issue in many churches, and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, especially since I’m not particularly musical! But we have a singing faith, and God has given us the gift of music to praise Him. The Psalmist declared, “With singing lips my mouth will praise you” (Psalm 63:5).
        Instead of complaining to your pastor (or anyone else), I urge you to ask God to help you be grateful for all music that points us to God, new or old. No, you may not like some of it, but others do, and God can use it in their lives to encourage them and bring them closer to Christ. Remember: The old hymns you like were once new, and someone probably didn’t like them, either!
        Sometimes, I’m afraid, a hymn can become so familiar to us that we sing it without even thinking about the words. But this is wrong, because then our singing becomes empty and meaningless. Don’t let this happen to you, but meditate on the words of the songs you sing, and even turn them into a prayer.
        Your music director has probably been wise to introduce new songs slowly; completely changing everything all at once can be disruptive. Pray for him and encourage him, letting him know that you’re grateful for his gifts. Yes, let him know you appreciate the old hymns, but support him also as he seeks to reach a new generation through music.
        1. Christ is coming!
          1. It was a productive day at WUMC! Thank you to Vicki Collom for coordinating this fundraiser as well as all who helped to bake. From all who donated supplies to those who purchased, THANK YOU!
            1. This is beautiful. From the youngest helpers to the church experienced elders such a show of love, teamwork, and fellowship.
          2. PUMC Sweet Bread Sales will start-up November 1st Delicious flavors – created by PUMC’s renown Ladies -- include pumpkin, applesauce, and carrot. Loaves are only $6 each and orders need to be in by Sunday, November 14th . Payment and pickup is Saturday, November 20th at the Church from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Please place your orders with Lois Fuller. She can be reached at either (telephone) 609-306-9476 or (email) loislittlefuller@gmail.com.
            1. PIE SALE 2021 Let us be a part of your holiday tradition!