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Products>SPCK New Testament Studies Collection (5 vols.)

SPCK New Testament Studies Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Logos Edition

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Collection value: $91.95
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The SPCK New Testament Studies Collection introduces a diverse collection of volumes relating to New Testament studies and interpretation. This collection analyzes different methods that have been used to unfold Scripture. It addresses topics such as traditional and modern methods of interpretation, the moral implications of misinterpreting New Testament text, human sexuality, and Luke’s view of the church and its mission and structure.

This collection includes tools to help you properly interpret Scripture while using different methods to explore your topic of interest. These methods include reading the Bible politically, relating biblical teaching to current issues, and using the appropriate method for your study (traditional or modern criticism). After gaining new insight to biblical interpretation, Starting New Testament Study, an introduction to the New Testament books, encourages you to use your new-found knowledge to start carefully interpreting New Testament books for yourself and taking your Bible study to a deeper level.

  • Analyzes various methods of biblical interpretation
  • Illustrates the risks of misinterpreting Scripture
  • Great resource for learning how to properly interpret the New Testament books
  • Title: SPCK New Testament Studies Collection
  • Authors: Richard Bauckham, Graham H. Twelftree, Paula Gooder, William R. G. Loader, Bruce Chilton, Deirdre Good
  • Publisher: SPCK
  • Publication Date: 2009–2011
  • Volumes: 5
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {F950E463-4CCE-49AD-B302-1AD3C0D6F461}
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  1. Phil Niebergall


Collection value: $91.95
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