Digital Logos Edition
This anthology brings together in one volume fifteen classic sermons by some of Princeton Theological Seminary's most acclaimed faculty and theologians. The Princeton Pulpit includes the work of Charles Hodge, Archibald Alexander, J. Addison Alexander, and more. More devotional than doctrinal, each sermon is headlined with the Scripture being expounded, such as Acts 9, Titus 2:6, and 1 Timothy 3:16. Containing practical application and timeless themes, these sermons still pack a powerful punch more than one hundred years after this volume was first published.
With Logos Bible Software, these inspiring sermons are completely searchable by topic or Scripture reference—finding, for example, every mention of "grace," or "Paul" in seconds. What’s more, all Scripture passages in The Princeton Pulpit are tagged and appear on mouse-over. This makes all fifteen sermons in The Princeton Pulpit more powerful and easier to access than ever before for reading, sermon preparation, research, and Bible study.
Our readers will require nothing more than the title page of this book to excite within them a desire for its possession. Those who know anything of the writings of Miller, and the Alexanders, and Hodge, and of the other distinguished individuals connected with Princeton, will expect to find in these sermons much interesting and useful matter.
—The Evangelical Repository
These sermons are good specimens of the powers of the different writers. There is something characteristic in most of them, which imparts a double interest.
—The Presbyterian Magazine
John T. Duffield (1823–1901) was a professor of mathematics at Princeton during the years 1847–1898.
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Allan Story
Larry Proffitt (I