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Angels: God's Secret Agents

ISBN: 9781418514440


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Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. 

Yes, angels are real. They are not the product of your imagination. 

Dr. Graham lifts the veil between the visible and the invisible world to give us an eye-opening account of these behind-the-scenes agents. This best-selling classic (with more than 750k copies in print) records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others who are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. With keen insight and conviction, Dr. Graham affirms that:

  • God's invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man—or Satan.
  • Angels "think, feel, will, and display emotions."
  • Angels guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution.
  • At death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God.

 “If we had open spiritual eyes we would see not only a world filled with evil spirits and powers—but also powerful angels with drawn swords, set for our defense.” —Billy Graham



Top Highlights

“The history of virtually all nations and cultures reveals at least some belief in angelic beings. Ancient Egyptians made the tombs of their dead more impregnable and lavish than their homes because they felt angels would visit there in succeeding ages.” (source)

“I believe in angels because the Bible says there are angels; and I believe the Bible to be the true Word of God.” (source)

“If you are a believer, expect powerful angels to accompany you in your life experiences” (source)

“John Calvin said, ‘The angels are the dispensers and administrators of the Divine beneficence toward us; they regard our safety, undertake our defense, direct our ways, and exercise a constant solicitude that no evil befall us.’” (source)

“The result was insurrection and war in heaven! He began a war that has been raging in heaven from the moment he sinned and was brought to earth shortly after the dawn of human history. It sounds like a modern world crisis!” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Angels: God's Secret Agents
  • Author: Graham, Billy
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9781418514440


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  1. Kenute P. Curry
    Classic book by Billy Graham on the subject of Angels.
