Digital Logos Edition
“If Jesus was not God in human flesh, Christianity is exploded,” writes John Stott. “We are left with just another religion with some beautiful ideas and noble ethics; its unique distinction has gone.”
"Who is Jesus Christ? If he is not who he said he was, and if he did not do what he said he had come to do, the whole superstructure of Christianity crumbles in ruin. Is it plausible that Jesus was truly divine? And what would that mean for us?"
John Stott’s clear, classic book examines the historical facts on which Christianity stands. Here is a sound, sensible guide for all who seek an intellectually satisfying explanation of the Christian faith.
For more by John Stott, see John Stott Collection (7 vols.).
This volume is also available in Spanish!
“So, in order to follow Christ we have to deny ourselves, to crucify ourselves, to lose ourselves. The full, inescapable demand of Jesus Christ is now revealed in full. He does not call us to a sloppy half-heartedness, but to a vigorous, absolute commitment. He calls us to make him our Lord.” (Pages 145–146)
“Christianity is a religion of salvation, and the fact is that there is nothing in any of the non-Christian religions to compare with this message of a God who loved, and came after, and died for, a world of lost sinners.” (Page 23)
“Christ’s third indirect claim is to teach the truth.” (Page 42)
“Christ’s fourth indirect claim is to judge the world” (Page 44)
“The Bible reveals a God who, long before it even occurs to men and women to turn to him, while they are still lost in darkness and sunk in sin, takes the initiative, rises from his throne, lays aside his glory, and stoops to seek until he finds them.” (Pages 17–18)
For fifty years Basic Christianity has exposed the backbone of the Christian faith. Its uncompromising clarity, intelligent logic and easy application make this one of the most enduring of Christian classics. In a time of ambiguity and confusion I can think of no other book I would rather recommend. Every evangelist should consider Basic Christianity a masterclass in communicating the gospel. This book is a must-read for those who are seeking God, those wishing to refresh their own faith, or those who hope to lead others into the loving arms of Jesus Christ.
—William Van Der Hart, evangelist and pastor
Lucid, clear and compelling. After Mere Christianity, perhaps no other book has helped more people come to faith. I’m thrilled that this classic has been appropriately shaped and refreshed for a modern audience without losing any of its timeless charm and persuasive brilliance. Having led and organized university missions for over twenty-five years I was sobered to be reminded of what a debt we all owe to this book and its author. ‘Christ is Christianity’ and no other book exemplifies a Christ-centered apologetic more simply and clearly.
—Richard Cunningham, director, UCCF: The Christian Unions
This was the classic forerunner of strong, balanced evangelistic books, and I am delighted it is being republished fifty years later. It led many to faith then, and it will again.
—Michael Green, theologian, Anglican priest, and apologist
John Stott’s books have helped millions around the world to a better understanding of the Christian faith. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the way in which he explains complex and difficult issues with great clarity, insight and wisdom. Basic Christianity has become a classic of our time.
—Nicky Gumbel, vicar, Holy Trinity Brompton
John Stott (1921–2011) was one of the foremost Christian figures of the twentieth century. He was educated at Cambridge, studying French and theology for a double first, and then training to be an Anglican cleric. He served as rector of All Souls Church in London for 25 years, where he carried out an effective urban pastoral ministry. He became known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist, and communicator of Scripture.
A leader among evangelicals in Britain, the United States and around the world, Stott was a principal framer of the landmark Lausanne Covenant in 1974. His many books, including Why I Am a Christian, Basic Christianity, Your Mind Matters: The Place of the Mind in the Christian Life, Between Two Worlds: The Challenge of Preaching Today, and The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor, have sold millions of copies around the world, translated into dozens of languages. Stott was honored by Time magazine in 2005 as one of the “100 Most Influential People in the World.”
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Glenn Crouch
Mark A. Schon