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Introducing Major Theologians: From the Apostolic Fathers to the Twentieth Century

ISBN: 9781783592722

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Is ‘newer’ really ‘better’? We often assume so, but if we do treat the past as inferior, we will ignore the legacy of history, and thus will find ourselves stranded on the tiny desert island of our own moment in time. In particular, this applies to Christian theology, which should be thought, and lived, corporately by the church down through the ages.

The remedy to 'chronological snobbery' is, as C. S. Lewis put it, 'to keep the clean sea breeze of the centuries blowing through our minds'. Such is the motivation behind Michael Reeves' introduction to a selection of influential or significant Christian theologians.

This accessible and informative volume covers the Apostolic Fathers, Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Owen, Edwards, Schleiermacher, Barth and Packer.

Each chapter begins with a brief biography and some background, and then surveys each theologian's major work or works, gives a timeline for historical context, and ends with guidance for further reading.

This book was previously available as two separate volumes (The Breeze of the Centuries and On Giants' Shoulders), but now repackaged together with a new chapter on J.I. Packer.

Key Features

  • Informative coverage of a important authors in Christian history
  • Two earlier books in one convenient resource
  • New additional chapter by J.I. Packer


  • Introduction: Snobs, Bumpkins and Dinosaurs
  • Only Let Me Reach Jesus Christ! The Apostolic Fathers
  • To Arms: Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Against the world: Athanasius
  • Loving Wisdom: Augustine
  • Faith Seeking Understanding: Anselm
  • The dumb Ox: Thomas Aquinas
  • Intermezzo
  • The Word Did Everything: Martin Luther
  • Knowing a Loving God: John Calvin
  • Let Us Seek Heaven: John Owen
  • America’s Theologian: Jonathan Edwards
  • The Father of Modern Theology: Friedrich Schleiermacher
  • The Bombshell in the Playground of the Theologians: Karl Barth
  • The Puritan Theologizer: J.I. Packer
  • Back to the Sources!

Top Highlights

“pure reason he could prove God’s existence, attributes and triune” (Page 109)

“supreme good, who depends on nothing else, but on whom all things depend for their being and for their well-being” (Page 114)

“he still remained himself; he had not metamorphosed from being the Word into something entirely different” (Page 72)

“just as when God became man he remained completely God, so when man becomes God he remains completely man” (Pages 52–53)

“transcendent love, become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself” (Page 54)

About Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is theologian-at-large at Wales Evangelical School of Theology. He previously served as head of theology for the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (UCCF) and is the author of several books, including Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith.

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