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The Origin of Paul’s Gospel

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In answer to Pauline scholarship that tends to explain the origin of Paul’s gospel in Palestinian Judaism, Hellenistic Judaism, mystery cults, or Gnosticism, Seyoon Kim here argues that the origin lies in Paul’s own testimony that he received the gospel from the revelation of Jesus Christ on the Damascus road. “Only when this insistence of Paul is taken seriously,” says Kim, “can we really understand Paul and his theology.” Kim begins his investigation of Paul’s interpretation of the Damascus event by examining Paul’s Rabbinic background. He then takes a more detailed look at just what occurred on the Damascus road, and follows this with a thorough discussion of Paul’s gospel--the revelation, its Christology, and its soteriology—keeping in mind at all times how it relates to the Damascus event.

Key Features

  • Examines Pauline theology and its historical context
  • Presents contemporary views on Paul’s thought and theology
  • Sheds light on some of the key influences and most discussed passages of Paul’s work


  • Preliminary Considerations
  • Paul the Persecutor
  • The Damascus Event
  • Paul's Gospel: A. The Revelation
  • Paul's Gospel: B. Christology
  • Paul's Gospel: C. Soteriology

Product Details

  • Title: The Origin of Paul’s Gospel
  • Author: Seyoon Kim
  • Series: Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT)
  • Edition: Revised and enlarged
  • Publisher: Mohr Siebeck
  • Publication Date: 1984
  • Pages: 414
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Topic: Pauline Studies

About Seyoon Kim

Seyoon Kim has been professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California since 1995.

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Digital list price: $39.99
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